LETTER: Issues to make your decision for president
Whatever your view on the candidates for President, I have made my own decision based on what kind of America I wish to live in. This is an election of issues, not personality.
I will vote for the candidate who is least likely:
— To appoint Supreme Court judges who regard the Constitution as obsolete and whose decisions are determined by their progressive ideology, not their adherence to the law.
— To further erode my freedom of speech through overreaching political correctness.
— To further reduce my freedom to act in accordance with my conscience.
— To further reduce my ability to defend myself and others by restricting my right to bear arms.
— To feel obligated to the banking oligarchs and the political class.
— To enter into foreign adventures in places that are not a threat to our security, that cost the lives of thousands of America’s finest.
— To reach ever deeper into my pocket for programs whose sole purpose is to secure votes.
— To be involved in a vast conspiracy with the media and innumerable special-interest groups to pervert the course of the election.
— To have not committed high crimes or obstructed justice or engaged in the peddling of influence.
I will vote for the candidate who is most likely:
— To reduce the scale, scope and reach of the federal government into the daily lives of the people.
— To reduce the overwhelming burden of regulation on private enterprise and private citizens.
— To reduce the crippling taxes that inhibit investment, stifle growth, and cause real wage stagnation.
— To respect the right of the states to self-determination on any issue that is not explicitly the province of the federal government.
— To encourage U.S. corporations and citizens to repatriate wealth and in doing so, stimulate the economy and drive private-sector job growth.
— To expose and attack the massive, pervasive corruption that taints every action of our federal government.
— To advocate for term limits on all elected federal offices.
— To renegotiate trade treaties on more favorable terms.
— To prefer excellent relationships with our allies over pandering to our enemies.
— To approach all foreign-relation issues from a position of strength.
— To attack radical Islam and its adherents, enablers and sympathizes with the full force and might of our military and economic strength.
These are my issues. If you have any doubt which candidate this is, please pay more attention to the issues, and less attention to the endless parade of media talking heads and the scandals they have contrived to distract you from the issues. —Helene T. Robinson, Whitefish