Friday, October 11, 2024

OPINION: 18 reasons to vote for Trump

by Eric Knutson
| October 30, 2016 6:00 AM

Speaking as an American, here are the reasons I want Donald Trump.

1) We need an outsider because the establishment that caused our problems can’t fix them. Only Donald and Dr. Carson and Carly Fiorina are outsiders. Donald is the one left standing, and Dr. Carson endorses him. Remember, Dr. Carson was the first to step down, and he did it for the good of the country. And also remember, Donald hesitated to promise to support whoever won the “R” nomination, because he’s an outsider.

2) Donald named the issues we face, and as a result, the rest of the candidates were forced to follow suit, and they probably hate him just for that, so they have to save face by trying to help elect Hillary.

3) Donald succeeded in defying all predictions, even with his mouthiness.

4) Donald will put the Supreme Court back on a Constitutional basis, and this will benefit America long after he’s gone.

5) Donald has the business savvy and the alpha male attitude to bring jobs back to America.

6) Donald will do whatever deregulation is needed to get us out of the debt we’re in. Hillary will only quadruple it at best.

7) Donald will repeal Obamacare and give us a real health-care system, as well as repeal whichever of Obama’s executive orders need to go.

8) Donald will shake up the IRS. If you have a problem with his tax loopholes, get the laws changed. The IRS has become a direct assault on individual liberty. Donald knows how the Fed gets used to exploit people. If you control the money you can control the people. I hope Donald will work to abolish the Fed and return us to a gold standard. G. Edward Griffin has outlined a plan to do that. I believe JFK wanted to do that. Donald used up his own fortune in his campaign, and only now has to depend on support from supporters.

9) Donald will keep us safe by doing what previous politicians only promised to do — fix immigration. That means building the fence and deporting whomever needs to be deported, and stopping the influx of refugees who are here to establish sharia and/or jihad. Some come for the right reasons, but this administration doesn’t know who’s who, and they don’t seem to care.

10) Donald will put a stop to the Islamization of America. Whether Musims are peaceful or not, Barack Obama violates the First Amendment, and deserves to be impeached. Hillary would do this too. This also violates the Ninth Amendment.

11) Donald’s children make it obvious Donald is a good man.

12) Melania is a class act, and she’s hands down the best looking first lady I remember. Ivana and Marla, you’d have been right up there too, but it is what it is.

13) Hillary’s support system has to resort to lies, and that’s what Hillary does best.

14) Donald wants to make America great again, not the special-interest groups. Hillary uses racism to point the racist finger at Donald in case nobody’s noticed. His remarks about Mexicans are only that rapists and murderers are coming here from Mexico. That’s the truth; it’s not racist, and only a racist would say it is.

15) Donald won’t lecture me like the modern Democrats do, and Paul Ryan tried to do a while back.

16) Donald’s mouth is obliterating political correctness.

17) Donald will stand up for the Second Amendment.

18) Donald will first appoint good Supreme Court justices, but he needs to vet them on pro-life issues. Then Congress can put a stop to the barbaric procedures against innocent fetuses, and I do believe we need to keep Republican control of both chambers just for this reason. Donald will stand with us pro-lifers. Many may not know that in 1995 both chambers of Congress voted to ban partial birth abortion, but Bill Clinton vetoed the bill. Pro-lifers will be responsible for calling their legislators without ceasing on this issue. There are subsequent bans which are generally ignored. Where do you think Hillary stands on this one?

Have you had enough of Washington yet? This is enough for me. Hillary has nothing but a haughty look. Donald Trump is America’s only hope.

Eric Knutson is a resident of Dayton.