Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Rogue fireworks ignite tempers

| July 4, 2017 9:17 PM

Whitefish Police received a call about two men fighting in an alley on Kalispell Avenue after sparks from rogue fireworks allegedly started a garbage bin on fire. The fire was put out and so were the flaring tempers.

The president of a homeowners association asked police about the city’s fine for violating the fireworks law. She wanted to get the word out and “put the fear” into residents.

It appeared that someone took a baseball bat to a mailbox on West Eighth Street. Another mailbox on Park Avenue was damaged as well.

A caller reported a man who took down a no-parking sign then proceeded to park his vehicle near City Beach.

Five people were reported to police for trying to start fights at a downtown bar.

A woman allegedly left a threatening note on her hotel room door. Extra patrol was requested.

A caller told the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office that someone was trying to scam him out of $200. If he didn’t mail the money, the scammer allegedly threatened to release a video of the caller doing “something bad.”

Kids were reported for loitering at a coffee shop and knocking over garbage cans.

A squirrel on a power line near Utah Avenue was to blame for a burst of flames and a blown transformer.

A caller reported that someone broke into his house on Avenue C. Items and cash were missing.

Officers spoke with people suspected of illegally taking rocks from a waterway. The rocks were unloaded and FWP was notified.

A caller told officers that it appeared someone had shot his broken-down vehicle on Yaak River Road.

Three people were reportedly stuck on a raft in the Kootenai River near Idaho.