Friday, March 28, 2025

Why Hillary lost: Let me count the ways!

by Jerry Fisher
| November 12, 2017 4:00 AM

It is my understanding that Hillary has written a book explaining why she lost the election. It is not my intention to buy this book hoping for a pleasant read. However, I’m thinking it might be appropriate to point out some of the reasons she may have lost several million votes.

In a television interview prior to the election she was asked the question, “Is there anything out there that she disliked?” Hillary was quick to say she “hated the Republican Party”! The truth is, there are always swing voters in any party, so her statement was not a smart one. In her very next breath she said “I hate the NRA.” This answer was a very big mistake. In the National Rifle Association, there are over 5 million members and most of those members vote and I’m pretty sure believe in the Second Amendment. She took a hard hit on this one. To use the “Hate” word in any context will draw enemy fire!

In another event she lost a lot of female voters when husband Bill, alias “Slick,” decided to have an “in the White House” liaison with a certain 22-year-old intern. Hillary remained passive when in reality she should have stood up on her hind legs and perhaps shot him dead or at least thrown the bum out for a few weeks. Then she might have gained the confidence of a lot of doubting Theresas. I suspect most red-blooded American girls would have at least put him in the hospital. Oh well!

How about the time she said “when we left the White House we were stone broke!” She didn’t bother to say that the president of the United States retires on full salary, with lots of nice perks. I guess she forgot? The Clinton Foundation will always draw pretty close scrutiny, there were some pretty interesting rumors floating around about where all this money came from? True or false, this kind of publicity was bound to cost her votes. My question on the Clinton Foundation is “why did they decide to have the documentation on this Foundation articled in Canada? Would it not have looked a lot better to have hired some red-blooded American law firm to tidy up the legalese on this one? It seems the Clintons would surely have connections here in the good ol’ United States of America. After all, wouldn’t it look better to share the wealth with some of their lawyer friends? Or could it be that they went to another country to avoid the taxes that they might incur here at home?

When good ol’ boy Al Gore lost the election to George Bush, Hillary made the comment that the Electoral College should be abolished. No kidding? That would pretty much let New York and California control the popular vote, if that’s what it came down to!

The truth being Hillary Clinton does not want to take responsibility for her own shortcomings! Donald Trump beat her in a fair fight. Just think if she were president, she would blame someone else for any mistakes that she would make. Think!

Jerry Fisher is a resident of Bigfork.