Saturday, March 29, 2025

'Autumn Applause'

| October 12, 2017 2:07 PM

The Glacier High School Choral Department will present its “Autumn Applause” concert at 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 17 in the Glacier High School Performance Hall.

The theme of water will weave its way throughout the evening. The advanced women’s choir will sing the traditional ballad “Bring Me Little Water, Silvy” and the Canadian folk song “Frobisher Bay.” The concert choir will share “Wade in the Water” and Vida’s “Famine Song.” The Glacier Echoes will perform the Pentatonix song “Water.”

“Codfish Shanty” and the Scottish folksong “Skye Boat Song” will be sung by the Men’s Choir. This concert will also feature the debut performance of the new men’s ensemble “Glacier Gust.”

The choirs will be accompanied by Debby Gardner and Ashlyn Sliter. Horn player Paul Rossi will collaborate with the concert choir on a piece called “In Remembrance.”

There is no admission charge for this concert, and it is appropriate for all ages.

For more information, call 406-758-8600 or visit