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Top 'Out Of This World' films

by Stefanie Thompson This Week in Flathead
| October 26, 2017 1:55 PM

If you are looking for some other-worldly entertainment this Halloween season, there is an abundance of space and alien-related films to choose from.

This Week in the Flathead conducted a (very) unofficial office poll to determine the top “Out Of This World” movies that shouldn’t be missed.

1. “Star Wars” franchise

The “Star Wars” films handily took the top spot in the poll. “A New Hope” came in first when looking at just the “Star Wars” canon, which also wasn’t a big surprise. It was revolutionary when it was released in 1977, and it holds up (unlike some of the lesser-known spin-offs — does anyone besides me remember “The Ewok Adventure: The Battle for Endor?”)

I recommend that “Star Wars” fans catch “Rogue One” while it’s still on Netflix, and make sure you rewatch “The Force Awakens” before the Dec. 14 release of “The Last Jedi.” Advance tickets for “The Last Jedi” are available now for Cinemark Signature Stadium 14 online at

“Star Wars” fans also have a lot more to look forward to: The Han Solo spinoff, “Solo: A Star Wars Story” is set for a May 25, 2018, release.

2. “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial”

This 1982 feel-good family film is about the friendship that forms between a boy named Elliott and his stranded alien friend, E.T. The Halloween scene with E.T. dressed as a ghost still makes me laugh, and the ending (don’t worry, no spoilers) still makes me cry.

This film held the record for highest-grossing film of all-time for 11 years, unseated by another Steven Spielberg-directed film (“Jurassic Park”) in 1993. The story is timeless, the themes are universal, and it’s one alien movie that won’t scare the pants off young children.

3. “Alien” franchise

These films, however, are not for the faint of heart. I have to be honest, I’ve only seen the original 1979 film, and that was enough. But several of the sequels landed on the list as well.

This series is horror at its finest. If you like to be scared by the unknown creatures of outer space, these films will get the job done. And the horror isn’t over: The latest in this series, “Alien: Covenant,” was released earlier this year.

4. “Avatar”

James Cameron’s 2009 “Avatar” introduced viewers to the world of Pandora and its inhabitants, which were beautifully done and used ground-breaking visual effects at the time the film was released. An almost three-hour story explores some interesting themes and features some (perhaps gratuitous) action. The film won several Academy Awards, still holds the record for being the highest-grossing film of all time, and rumor has it that “Avatar 2” and “Avatar 3” are currently being filmed.

5. “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”

Another 1977 release, this film brought alien encounters back down to Earth. A drama rather than horror, the realism and relatability Richard Dreyfuss brought as Roy Neary make the events seem as if they could be happening in Anytown, USA. That, in its own way, is terrifying.

If you are a believer in UFOs and alien-human encounters, this film will have you on the edge of your seat.

6. “War of the Worlds”

Several film versions of H.G. Wells’ novel by the same name have been released over the years. Our favorite is the 1953 classic, but the 2005 version also has a lot to offer. As a side note, the book is also well worth the read.

7. “Spaceballs”

This 1987 Mel Brooks spoof made the list, and rightfully so. This film couldn’t exist without a wide space and sci-fi canon to draw from, and it does a great job of poking fun while also paying homage to the greats. Even 30 years after its release, this film with its all-star comedy cast is laugh-out-loud funny and an example of Brooks at his very best.

8. “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”

This 1956 horror flick follows Dr. Miles J. Bennell, played by Kevin McCarthy, through the terrifying realization that the people in his community are being insidiously replaced by alien duplicates. (The remake in 1978, frankly, didn’t do justice to the story). The film noir style in the 1956 version heightens the tension and makes it an undisputed classic.

9. “2001: A Space Odyssey”

“2001: A Space Odyssey” was released in 1968, and strangely enough the novel by the same name was published after the film came out (the author, Arthur C. Clarke, wrote an earlier short-story version called “The Sentinel” and co-wrote the film’s screenplay).

The most unique part of this story, and what sets it apart, is the way it addresses alien activity as relating to our own human evolution. It was also well-known and highly praised for its scientifically accurate portrayal of space flight, and well as its incredible special effects.

The soundtrack is one of my all-time film favorites.

10. “Rocky Horror Picture Show”

How could a list of top space and alien movies NOT include “Rocky Horror?” This cult classic still screens in cinemas and movie houses around the world, and more than 40 years after its original 1975 release, that’s no small feat.

This horror/comedy/musical is unlike anything else — a credit to Richard O’Brien (appearing in the film as Riff Raff), who wrote the original stage musical’s music, book and lyrics and co-wrote the screenplay. Even he likely did not anticipate the success of the parody tribute to the science fiction and horror B movies of the 1930s-’70s.

[Editor’s Note: Strap on your stilettos and leave the kids at home — audiences can “jump to the left” at The Wilma in Missoula for “The Rocky Horror Show” performed live Friday and Saturday by the Montana Actors’ Theatre. For more information, visit]

Arts and entertainment editor Stefanie Thompson can be reached at 758-4439 or