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Kalispell contractor cited after vehicles tip into mine pit

| September 8, 2017 3:32 PM

BILLINGS (AP) — A contractor working on a roadway project south of Laurel has been issued at least seven citations over safety violations after an excavator and truck tipped into a mine pit.

The Billings Gazette reports ( ) Kalispell-based company Nelcon was issued the citations Aug. 25. It is working on the U.S. Highway 212 project between Laurel and Rockvale in southern Montana.

According to a spokeswoman from the Mine Safety and Health Administration, the vehicles entered the water-filled open gravel mine pit after the surface around “a dump area” gave out. An investigator from the agency ordered the area be shut down until the hazards are addressed.

Nelcon has 44 previous citations over issues at the same sand and gravel mine.