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| April 25, 2018 4:00 AM


- ImagineIF Libraries board meets at 9 a.m., meeting room, Kalispell. Call Kim Crowley, 758-5826.

- Flathead Valley Community Drug Task Force meets at noon, Earl Bennett Building, 1035 First Ave. W., Kalispell. Six Focus Groups will discuss strategies to reduce and prevent drug abuse. All welcome.

- Red Cross blood drive, noon to 4:15 p.m., Imperial Dry Cleaners, Kalispell, blood mobile.

- Red Sand Project event to raise awareness about human trafficking, noon, Arts and Technology Building, FVCC. Public invited to fill sidewalk cracks with red sand to symbolize walking over marginalized people in the community. Guest speaker is Jennifer Fugatt with Soroptimist International of Whitefish.

- Nurturing Center annual Blue Ribbon event for Child Abuse Prevention Month, 4-6 p.m., Lawrence Park Pavilion, Kalispell. Wear blue to make human blue ribbon. Food and music. All welcome.

- Somers School District board Negotiations Committee meets 4 p.m. Glacier Perks, Lakeside.

- Zen priest Jerry Smyers presents a free Introduction to Zen Meditation class, 6 p.m., YogaHeart Studio, 314 Main St., Polson. All welcome. Call 847-721-0665.

- Northwest Montana Nature Photographers host a presentation by Jack Bell titled “My Photographic Journey, 7 p.m. Gateway Community Center, United Way Conference Room, 1203 U.S. 2 W., Kalispell. Free. Public welcome.

- Polson Elks club hosts an open mic/jam to benefit Helping Hands nonprofit group, 7:30 p.m. Open to public. Call Steve McCoya, 253-8666.


- Marion Fire District board meets at 5 p.m., Marion Community Center, 180 Gopher Lane. Public welcome.

- Red Cross blood drive, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Sportsman & Ski Haus, blood mobile.

- Immanuel Lutheran Communities hosts a presentation, “Caregiving: Finding, Creating and Using Resources,” 1-2:30 p.m., Bethany Lutheran Church, Bigfork. Free. Call 752-9625.

- Job Fair, 3-6 p.m., Gateway Community Center, 1203 U.S. 2 W., Kalispell. Hosted by Job Services Kalispell. Over 100 employers. Veterans receive early entry 2:30-3 p.m. Call Roberta Diegel, 758-6273.

- Bigfork community common meal, 3 to 6 p.m. today and every Thursday, 750 Electric Ave., in the United Methodist Church building, Bigfork. Pool table, TV, foosball available. Free. Families welcome. Call Dana, 837-4547.

- Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Runs: Whitefish — 4:15 p.m. Central Avenue, Whitefish. Community pep rally and barbecue, 5 p.m., O’Shaughnessy Center; Kalispell — By bicycle at 9 a.m. from Happy’s Roadhouse to Les Schwab Tire, Center Street, then 2.5-mile parade to Lions Park, U.S. 93 South. Community barbecue at 3 p.m.

- Canyon Community Dinner, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Hungry Horse School. Egg bake with sausage. All welcome. Call Flo, 250-3406; or Luann, 261-1083.

- Free Night at the Museum, 6:30 p.m., Miracle of American Museum, 36094 Memory Lane, Polson. Outside walking tour. Treats and donations welcome. Call 883-6804 or 270-7895.


- Red Cross blood drives: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the center, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell; 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Three Rivers Bank, Meridian Road, Kalispell, blood mobile.

- Glacier Pachyderm Club meets noon to 1 p.m., Sykes, 202 Second Ave. W., Kalispell. Speakers are school resource officer Chad Fetveit and David Dunn, HD 9 candidate;

- Kalispell Arbor Day celebration and tree planting ceremony, 1 p.m. Formal Garden, Woodland Park. School District 5 third graders assist. Guest speakers. Public invited. If you want to plant trees, meet at Main Pavilion at 10 a.m.

- West Shore community dinner, 5-6:30 p.m., the Gathering Place 238 Adams St., Lakeside. Free of charge to anyone. Families welcome.

- Big Arm Association potluck, 6 p.m. at historic Big Arm School. Master gardener Mona Rey will talk about spring gardening preparation. Call 849-5133.

- Spring Swing Fling Thing, 6:30 p.m., Salvation Army Community Center, 110 Bountiful Drive, Kalispell. Dance music provided by BJ Lupton’s 18-member Swingin’ On High Band and Stillwater Christian School Jazz Band. Refreshments. Free; donations accepted.


“There is nothing in the universe that I fear but that I shall not know all my duty, or shall fail to do it.” — Mary Lyon, American educator (1797-1849).

- Eureka Rendezvous Days, today through Sunday, Eureka. 5K walk/run, black powder shoot, bed races, flea market and more. Parade at noon Saturday. Mud bog 1-4 p.m. Sunday;

- Death by Chocolate fundraiser production titled “Out of This World,” 7-10 p.m. today and Saturday, Conrad Mansion, Kalispell. Tickets $60 person available at Mansion Gift Shoppe and The Book Shelf, 101 Main St., Kalispell. VIP tickets are $100, available at mansion only. Call 755-2166.


- Epworth United Methodist Church’s annual spring rummage sale, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., 329 Second Ave. E., Kalispell. Proceeds support Ray of Hope women’s shelter and Blackfeet United Methodist Church, Browning.

- Eureka Rendezvous Days, today and Sunday, Eureka. 5K walk/run, black powder shoot, bed races, flea market and more. Parade at noon Saturday. Mud bog 1-4 p.m. Sunday;

- Special Friends Advocacy’s 32nd Big Wheels Wheelchair Basketball Tournament, Glacier High School. Games begin at 8 a.m. and the championship game will be late afternoon. Free admissions; donations greatly appreciated. All proceeds go to benefit community members with disabilities. For more information or to volunteer, contact Special Friends Advocacy at 756-5488 or

• Columbia Falls Women’s Connections indoor garage sale, 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., North Valley Community Room, Columbia Falls. Proceeds donated to Stonecroft Ministries. Call Sherry, 892-5990.

- “Clean the Fish” 8:30 a.m. to noon, Whitefish. Breakfast served to all volunteers 8:30 a.m. Glacier Bank parking lot, 319 E. Second St. Trash bags and gloves provided. Clean up begins 9:30 a.m. Lunch follows 11 a.m. to noon. Prizes; must be present to win. Call 863-6300.

- Wildcat Garden Volunteer Day, 9 to 11 a.m., Columbia Falls Junior High School.

- Flathead River Steward Program spring tree planting along Flathead River, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Diamond B Ranch, Kalispell. Volunteers needed. RSVP to Constanza, 406-883-1341.

- Red Cross blood drive, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Rosauers, Kalispell.

- Ranger-led “Birds of a Feather” hike 10 a.m., Flathead Lake State Park – Wayfarers Unit. 1.5 mile family-friendly bird walk. Bring water. Binoculars and bird guides provided. Meet at Harry Horn Day Use Center. Cost is $4 per person or $10 per family.

- Drug “Take Back” Day, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., The Rock Building, 350 Heritage Way, near KRMC. Turn in unused or expired medication for safe disposal. Drive up; no need to get out of your car. Sponsored by Flathead Valley Community Drug Task Force.

- Kalispell Senior Center tea party fundraiser, 1-4 p.m., Agency on Aging dining room, 40 11th St. W., Kalispell. Tea sandwiches, cakes. Entertainment, door prizes. Tickets $15; advance purchase required. Call 257-1598.

- Lakeside community garden spring work day, 1-2 p.m.

- Celebration of Native American culture, 2-5:30 p.m., Arts and Technology Building, FVCC. Dancing, drumming, storytelling by members of the Spirit of the Buffalo from Browning. Free. Public invited. Raffle. Concessions available.

- Flathead County Democratic Women and Flathead County Democratic Central Committee co-sponsor a Democratic Primary candidates forum, 3:30 p.m., Columbia Falls High School, 610 13th St. W.

- Flathead Democrats annual spring dinner, 6 p.m., Cedar Creek Lodge, Columbia Falls. Guest speaker is Helena mayor Wilmot Collins. Special guest is acclaimed artist Nancy Dunlop Cawdrey. Live auction of her original dye on silk painting, “Leading the Charge.” Tickets are $50. Call 406-730-2741.

- Death by Chocolate fundraiser production titled “Out of This World,” 7-10 p.m., Conrad Mansion, Kalispell. Tickets $60 person available at Mansion Gift Shoppe and The Book Shelf, 101 Main St., • Kalispell. VIP tickets are $100, available at mansion only. Call 755-2166.


- Eureka Rendezvous Days, today and Sunday, Eureka. 5K walk/run, black powder shoot, bed races, flea market and more. Parade at noon Saturday. Mud bog 1-4 p.m. Sunday;

- Glacier Park Prescription (Rx) Day, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Lake McDonald Lodge parking area. Free blood pressure screenings. Summit fitness experts provide trekking poles to demo, outdoor scavenger hunt with prizes, free energy bars.

- Community Rocks! family-friendly concert and spaghetti dinner, 3:30-7 p.m., The Armory, Whitefish. Musical petting zoo. Beer available. Adults $10, kids $5. Proceeds benefit Whitefish Community School nonprofit preschool.


- AARP Driver Safety Course, 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Libby Christian Church. $20 fee ($15 for AARP card-holding members.) Call 406-283-7000.

- Postmaster Joshua Schlecht and U.S. Postal Service representatives discuss easy to use postal services, 8:30-10 a.m. Meridian branch, 350 N. Meridian, Kalispell. A National Small Business Week event. Public invited.

- Red Cross blood drive, 1-6 p.m., at the center, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell.

- West Valley Naturalists meet 7 p.m., West Valley Middle School Commons, 2290 Farm to Market Road, Kalispell. Speaker is Denny Olsen, conservation educator for Flathead Audubon. Free. Everyone welcome. Call Linda de Kort, 755-3704.


- Whitefish Legacy Partners celebration of completion of Whitefish Trail’s newest section that connects the city to Whitefish Mountain Resort, 6-8 p.m. Free barbecue, dedication, optional hikes. Directions to trailhead: Leave Whitefish traveling north on Wisconsin Avenue. Turn right on Reservoir Road (at Last Chair Kitchen and Bar). Trailhead is about a half mile up Reservoir Road on the left, adjacent to the City of Whitefish water treatment facility. All welcome.

- Smart Driver Course at the North Valley Hospital, Whitefish from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Call 863-3627 for a reservation.

A look ahead

- Friendship Force meets for breakfast, 9 a.m. May 2, Sykes Restaurant, Kalispell. All interested in travel welcome. Call Priscilla, 756-9332.

- The Scream Room traveling interactive art experience, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 2, FVCC. Free. Public invited to enter portable Space Station gallery and scream to release pent up emotions.

- Stillwater Christian School presents “For Such a Time as This,” an evening with Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson, May 2, Flathead County Fairgrounds, Kalispell. Purchase tickets at or call 752-4400.

- 29th annual Project Whitefish Wine and Food Fest, 6-9 p.m. May 2, Grouse Mountain Lodge, Whitefish. Cuisine from local restaurants, silent and live auctions. Tickets $70 per person. Benefits Project Whitefish Kids and Whitefish Theatre Company. Call 862-5371.

- Flathead Valley Community Band and Columbia Falls present a May Music Spectacular concert, 7:30 p.m. May 2, Flathead High School auditorium. Free; donations accepted.

- Anne Morley leads a guided hikes at 10 a.m. on Swan River Nature Trail, Thursdays in May (May 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31) Meet in front of Bigfork Summer Playhouse. Call Morley, 886-2242.

- Bigfork community common meal, 3 to 6 p.m. May 3 and every Thursday, 750 Electric Ave., in the United Methodist Church building, Bigfork. Pool table, TV, foosball available. Free. Families welcome. Call Dana, 837-4547.

- The Scream Room traveling interactive art experience, 4-6 p.m. May 3, ImagineIF Library, Bigfork. Free. Public invited to enter portable Space Station gallery and scream to release pent up emotions.

- Anime Club for teens in grades six to 12 meets 4-5:30 p.m. May 3, ImagineIF Library, Kalispell.

- Kids Count in Evergreen event, 4:30-6:30 p.m. May 3, Evergreen Junior High School. Free games, pizza, prizes. Future Evergreen Leaders announced 6 p.m. Call Evergreen Chamber of Commerce, 885-1212.

- Flathead County sheriff and county commissioner candidates forum, 5:30 p.m. May 3, Bigfork High School gym. Moderated session and time for each to speak. Cookies and beverages provided. Public invited.

- Ranger-led “Birds of a Feather” hike 6 p.m. May 3, Flathead Lake State Park – Wayfarers Unit. 1.5 mile family-friendly bird walk. Bring water. Binoculars and bird guides provided. Meet at Harry Horn Day Use Center. Cost is $4 per person or $10 per family.

- Church of Christ’s annual community clothing giveaway, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. May 4-5, 241 Stillwater Road, Kalispell. Donations accepted through April. Call Diane,270-7016; or Mary, 752-7579.

- FVCC Spring Concert Series, 2 p.m. May 4, Room 144, Rebecca Chaney Broussard Center. Student recital. Free. Public invited.

- The Scream Room traveling interactive art experience, 3-6 p.m. May 4, ImagineIF Library, Kalispell. Free. Public invited to enter portable Space Station gallery and scream to release pent up emotions.

- Columbia Falls Historical Society presents a free program by Clarence Taber on the history of fires on the Flathead National Forest, 7 p.m., May 4, Chapel Building, Montana Veterans Home. Silent auction. Public welcome.

- Free blacksmith Hammer-In, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. May 5, Miracle of America Museum, 36094 Memory Lane Polson.Safety glasses, andnon-flammable clothing and shoes required, Parental or guardian slips available for new participants who are minors. Call 270-7895.

- Montana Dahlia Society annual tuber sale, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., May 5, Kalispell Center Mall. Tubers, dahlias, cuttings and seedlings for sale. Call BettyJo Malone, 755-6323.

- Farm & Food Day celebration, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. May 5, FVCC’s Campus Farm, north end of campus, accessible from Hutton Ranch roundabout. Tours at 11 a.m. noon and 1 p.m. Soil building class 11 a.m. Hoop house construction class 1 p.m. Kid-friendly activities in greenhouse.

- Annual Ladies Luncheon and Program on “Vintage Bridal Gowns: Styles and Stories from the Flathead,” 1-5 p.m. May 5, Museum at Central School, 124 Second Ave. E., Kalispell. $20 for museum members, $25 for nonmembers. Call 756-8381.

- Lakeside-Somers Chamber of Commerce hosts a sheriff and couny commissioner candidates forum, 4-6 p.m. May 8, Lakeside QRU building, 201 Bills Road. Light appetizers and drinks. Free. Public invited.

- FVCC Spring Concert Series, 7 p.m. May 9, Arts and Technology Building. Orchestra, Choral and Chamber Ensembles perform. Free. Public invited.

- Smart Driver Course at the Mission Valley Senior Center, Ronan, May 10 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Call 676-2371 for a reservation.

Annual pie and plant sale, 8 a.m. to noon May 12, Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, 401 Seventh St. W., Columbia Falls. Variety of plants, hot breakfast dishes for sale. Proceeds go to church youth trip.

- 406 Voice Competition finals, 6 p.m. May 12, Grand Ballroom, Best Western Plus Flathead, Kalispell. Live music, silent auction. Families welcome. Fundraiser for Flathead Youth Home;

- West Valley School board meets 5 p.m. May 14.

- Flathead Conservation District 310 Stream Permit meeting 7 p.m. May 14, 133 Interstate Lane, in Evergreen. Call 752-4220.

- Immanuel Lutheran Communities hosts a community presentation geared for seniors, “Strategies for Lifelong Physical Fitness” 2-3:30 p.m. May 16, Buffalo Hill Terrace, 40 Claremont St., Kalispell. Free. RSVP to 752-9625.

- Smart Driver Course at the Bigfork Senior Center, May 17 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Call 837-4157 for a reservation.

- Teen social for grades 6-12, 4-5:30 p.m. May 17, ImagineIF Library, Kalispell. Food, Wii gaming. Craft is T-shirt painting. Free.

- Annual Armed Forces Day Benefit Banquet, May 19, Kalispell Elks, 1820 U.S. 93 S., Kalispell. Social hour 5:30 p.m. Prime rib dinner 6:30 p.m. Music by Erik Dye and BJ Lupton’s Swing Light Band. Tickets $35 per person; $200 for table of six, including bottle of wine. Advance tickets available at Northwest Veterans Food Pantry, 1349 U.S. 2 E., Kalispell, or call 756-7304; no tickets will be sold at door. All welcome.

- Smart Driver Course at the Summit in Kalispell, May 19 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Please call 751-4500 for a reservation.

- Dementia and Alzheimer’s Support Group meets 3-4:30 p.m. May 21, Billiards Room, Buffalo Hill Terrace, 40 Claremont St., Kalispell. Sponsored by Immanuel Lutheran Communities. Call Laura Normandy, 752-9612, ext. 1351.

- Smart Driver Course at the North Valley Senior Center, Columbia Falls, May 21 from 12:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Call 892-4087 for a reservation.

- Smart Driver Course at the Libby Christian Church May 21 from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Call 283-7000 for a reservation.

- Heather O’Loughlin, co-director of the nonprofit Montana Budget and Policy Center, discusses the state budgeting process and revenue sources to assist low and middle-income Montanans, 7 p.m. May 24, Swan River Community Hall, Bigfork. Social at 6:30 p.m. to meet area candidates. Light refreshments;

- Flathead Conservation District business meeting, 7 p.m. May 29, 133 Interstate Lane, Kalispell, 752-4220.

- Heritage Museum 40th anniversary grand season opening, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. June 2, 34067 U.S. 2, Libby. Speakers, music, dancing, lunch in historic cookhouse, Model T rides. Call 406-293-7521.

- Lakeside QRU annual ham dinner, 3-6 p.m. June 3, Lakeside QRU, 201 Bills Road. Menu is ham, homemade scalloped potatoes and buns, vegetable, coleslaw, beverage and dessert for $10. Call Lois Lauman, 253-2841.

- Heritage Place yard and craft sale, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. June 8-9, 171 Heritage Way, Kalispell. All proceeds go to buy plants for residents’ needs. Call Sarah Schussler, activities director, 406-755-8000.

- Bigfork Piecemakers Quilt Guild annual quilt show,10 a.m. to 4 p.m. June 8-9, First Baptist Church, 6933 Montana 35. Bigfork. Quilt and gift baskets raffled.

- Montana Air Adventures hosts annual Kalispell City Airport Day, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. June 9, 1880 U.S. 93 S. Free airplane/helicopter rides, classic car/motorcycle show, hay rides, aircraft displays and demonstrations, bounce house, bungee jumping, mini-golf, raffles. Food vendors. Call 755-2376.

- West Valley School board meets 5 p.m. June 11.

- Taste of Kalispell, 5:30-8 p.m. June 21, Museum at Central School lawn, 124 Second Ave. E., Kalispell. Food provided by local restaurants, drinks, live music by Cocinando. Tickets $30 adults, $25 seniors (64 and older), $20 youth 11-14, kids under 10, free. Call 253-6923.

- Suicide Support Group, Surviving Our Loss after Suicide, (SOLAS) meets 7-8:30 p.m. June 12, The Summit, Kalispell. Call Joan, 871-1008.

- Dementia and Alzheimer’s Support Group meets 3-4:30 p.m. June 18, Billiards Room, Buffalo Hill Terrace, 40 Claremont St., Kalispell. Sponsored by Immanuel Lutheran Communities. Call Laura Normandy, 752-9612, ext. 1351.

- Immanuel Lutheran Communities hosts a community presentation geared for seniors, “ Easily Explore Glacier Park — A Ranger’s Insight,” 2-3:30 p.m. June 20, Buffalo Hill Terrace, 40 Claremont St., Kalispell. Free. RSVP to 752-9625.

- Whitefish Woody Weekend classic and antique boat show, June 22-24, The Lodge at Whitefish Lake. Friday — Evening cruise Saturday — Public viewing on dock, waterski demonstration. Sunday — poker run 9:30 a.m.

- Flathead Lake Biological Station research cruise, 3-6 p.m. July 10, aboard the Far West to one of the station’s monitoring sites. Appetizers, beverages, music. $50 per person. Space limited; reservations required; 406-982-3301, ext. 229.

- Suicide Support Group, Surviving Our Loss after Suicide, (SOLAS) meets 7-8:30 p.m. July 10, The Summit, Kalispell. Call Joan, 871-1008.?

- Lakeside Community Club annual fair, July 14. Pancake breakfast 7 a.m., Lakeside Chapel. Silent auction and Attic Treasures, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Lakeside Elementary School. Food concession open 10 a.m. Parade at 11 a.m. Kids’ Zone and silent auction close at 2 p.m. Duck races, 4 p.m.,Tamarack Brewing Company;

- Dementia and Alzheimer’s Support Group meets 3-4:30 p.m. July 16, Billiards Room, Buffalo Hill Terrace, 40 Claremont St., Kalispell. Sponsored by Immanuel Lutheran Communities. Call Laura Normandy, 752-9612, ext. 1351.

- Immanuel Lutheran Communities hosts a community presentation geared for seniors, “Are your Cyber-savvy?” 2-3:30 p.m. July 18, Buffalo Hill Terrace, 40 Claremont St., Kalispell. Free. Call 752-9625.

- The Gathering 2018, July 20-22, Lincoln County Fairgrounds, Eureka. Three days of reunion activities for all classmates and communities. Live music, meals, high school tour and more. Must register to attend: Call Deb or Ken, 406-756-756-7795. Classic car show noon to 6 p.m. Saturday.

- Miracle of America annual Live History Days, July 21-22, 36094 Memory Lane, Polson. Pioneer crafts, demonstrations, activities, food concessions. Call Gil, 406-883-6264.

- Flathead Lake Biological Station open house, 1-5 p.m. Aug. 3, 32125 Bio Station Lane, Polson. Tours, boat trips on research vessel, exhibits, presentations. Free. Public welcome; 406-982-3301.

- Evergreen Show ‘n’ Shine, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Aug. 4, Colin’s Furniture parking lot, 1441 Montana 35, Kalispel. Call 885-1212.

- West Shore Community Library ice cream social, 2-4 p.m. Aug. 4, 100 Bierney Creek Road, Lakeside. Games, story time, activities.

- Montana Cup Sailing Regatta, Aug. 4-5, Flathead Lake;

Blacktail Hill Climb Bicycle Race, Aug. 11, Lakeside. Barbecue and live music afterward, Blacktail Mountain Ski Resort. Fundraiser for Lakeside Community Club. To register, call 250-6714.

- Suicide Support Group, Surviving Our Loss after Suicide, (SOLAS) meets 7-8:30 p.m. Aug. 14, The Summit, Kalispell. Call Joan, 871-1008.

- Immanuel Lutheran Communities hosts a community presentation geared for seniors, “Flathead Valley — A Look Back,” 2-3:30 p.m. Aug.1 5, Buffalo Hill Terrace, 40 Claremont St., Kalispell. Free. Call 752-9625.

- Dementia and Alzheimer’s Support Group meets 3-4:30 p.m. Aug. 20, Billiards Room, Buffalo Hill Terrace, 40 Claremont St., Kalispell. Sponsored by Immanuel Lutheran Communities. Call Laura Normandy, 752-9612, ext. 1351.

- Annual Dayton Daze “Montana Gold Rush” celebration and fundraiser for Chief Cliff Volunteer Fire Department and QRU, noon Sept. 8, Dayton. Car show, parade, music, flea market and craft sale, silent auction, rifle raffle, concessions and beer.

- Suicide Support Group, Surviving Our Loss after Suicide, (SOLAS) meets 7-8:30 p.m. Sept. 11, The Summit, Kalispell. Call Joan, 871-1008.

- Annual Shriners/Spinnaker Chili cook off and wiener dog races, Sept. 15, Spinnaker Bar and Grill, Lakeside; 406-844-2176.

- Dementia and Alzheimer’s Support Group meets 3-4:30 p.m. Sept. 17, Billiards Room, Buffalo Hill Terrace, 40 Claremont St., Kalispell. Sponsored by Immanuel Lutheran Communities. Call Laura Normandy, 752-9612, ext. 1351.

- Immanuel Lutheran Communities hosts a community presentation geared for seniors, “Dementia Treatment — What’s On the Horizon,” 2-3:30 p.m. Sept. 19, Buffalo Hill Terrace, 40 Claremont St., Kalispell. Free. Call 752-9625.

- Suicide Support Group, Surviving Our Loss after Suicide, (SOLAS) meets 7-8:30 p.m. Oct. 9, The Summit, Kalispell. Call Joan, 871-1008.

- Dementia and Alzheimer’s Support Group meets 3-4:30 p.m. Oct. 15, Billiards Room, Buffalo Hill Terrace, 40 Claremont St., Kalispell. Sponsored by Immanuel Lutheran Communities. Call Laura Normandy, 752-9612, ext. 1351.

- Immanuel Lutheran Communities hosts a community presentation geared for seniors, “Local Political Climate — Issues and Candidates” 2-3:30 p.m. Oct. 17, Buffalo Hill Terrace, 40 Claremont St., Kalispell. Free. Call 752-9625.

- Suicide Support Group, Surviving Our Loss after Suicide, (SOLAS) meets 7-8:30 p.m. Nov. 13, The Summit, Kalispell. Call Joan, 871-1008.

- Dementia and Alzheimer’s Support Group meets 3-4:30 p.m. Nov. 19, Billiards Room, Buffalo Hill Terrace, 40 Claremont St., Kalispell. Sponsored by Immanuel Lutheran Communities. Call Laura Normandy, 752-9612, ext. 1351.

- Immanuel Lutheran Communities hosts a community presentation geared for seniors, “Fall Prevention and Winter Safety Tips,” 2-3:30 p.m. Nov. 21, Buffalo Hill Terrace, 40 Claremont St., Kalispell. Free. Call 752-9625.

- Suicide Support Group, Surviving Our Loss after Suicide, (SOLAS) meets 7-8:30 p.m. Dec. 11, The Summit, Kalispell. Call Joan, 871-1008.

- Dementia and Alzheimer’s Support Group meets 3-4:30 p.m. Dec. 17, Billiards Room, Buffalo Hill Terrace, 40 Claremont St., Kalispell. Sponsored by Immanuel Lutheran Communities. Call Laura Normandy, 752-9612, ext. 1351.