Friday, October 11, 2024

Man calls 911 for ride to mom's house

| December 17, 2018 4:00 AM

A man on U.S. 93 South called 911 and sniffled before hanging up. He called back saying “I need a ride to my mom’s house,” and hung up. Upon reconnecting, he pleaded again for a ride to his mom’s and dispatchers apparently heard another man in the background saying something about him “wigging out.” Dispatchers told the man to stop calling 911.

Kalispell Police Department received a report of a verbal fight between two men that turned out to have all the makings of stereotypical alpha male posturing: a pregnant woman watching nearby, a barking pit bull, a younger man wearing his hat backwards and another man who showed he meant business by taking his shirt off.

The parties were separated and the younger man, wanting the last word, hung out of the window of an intimidating hatchback-style vehicle, yelling.

There was a lot of excitement at a car wash on Commons Way when traffic was reportedly backed up out of the parking lot onto U.S. 93 and impeding traffic.

A distraught man was seen walking, spinning and kicking a guardrail on the side of the highway.

A man’s ex mother-in-law was allegedly stalking him all over town and taking pictures of his vehicle.

A male driver was seen smoking out of a glass pipe and beating his head to his hand.

Someone may have stopped a theft when he whistled at two people in brown coats and black ski caps going up to a porch and taking a package. The people reportedly dropped the package and went around the corner.

Someone was concerned about the welfare of a man lying in the grass on 18th Street East when he didn’t move after they yelled at him. The man appeared intoxicated, but he was dressed for the weather. He finally got up and headed back to his motel room. Police advised the man of warrants.

Two adult men were allegedly offering shots of alcohol to minors in a park.

A woman loaned her car to her daughter and after her kid was pulled over, a weapon was found in the vehicle. She wanted to know if she was responsible for the gun being inside the vehicle.

A fight between students led to one going to a medical facility.