Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Man takes snowboards, leaves card info

| February 20, 2018 9:19 PM

A man reportedly used an ID and credit card to make a purchase at a store then walked out and allegedly stole three snowboards from a vehicle. Not only did the business claim the alleged theft was caught on video, but it had the man’s credit card information from the recent purchase.

Kalispell Police Department responded to a report of a van that had run into the back of someone’s house causing damage to siding. A male passenger attempted to dig the van out while a very angry female driver walked away.

A man wanted it documented that he was purportedly receiving “demanding” texts from a former roommate/landlord.

Someone found it suspicious that a vehicle covered in snow had reportedly been sitting near an intersection with its flashers on for three to four hours.

A man reported an icehouse was stolen from his garage.

Two backpacks, a speaker and iPod were reported stolen from a vehicle.

Someone who said they were with the Kalispell Fire Department called police to tell them they had put traffic cones around a large boulder discovered in a roadway, afraid someone would hit it. The caller was reportedly unable to reach the street department after hours to remove the road hazard because the voicemail was not set up.

A caller was not happy about the advice she got after voicing concerns that her dogs would chase deer if let out. Someone reportedly told her “we have to let nature take its course.”

A man allegedly stole two steaks, put them in his truck and went back inside the store. He was cited for theft.

A disabled elderly woman on Solberg Drive in Kalispell was not pleased when someone allegedly plowed “all the snow” into her lilac bushes and wanted law enforcement to advise the person to plow “more carefully.” The person, reportedly unaware of the issue, agreed he would make sure “the snow went elsewhere” next time.

A Kalispell couple on Whalebone Drive wanted advice from Flathead County Sheriff’s Office after they were reportedly unable to free a small kitten stuck inside a wood stovepipe and wouldn’t fit through the damper opening. The couple’s landlord reportedly told them they might have to get contractor to remove the wood stove from the chimney pipe.

A Bigfork woman locked herself in a bathroom after a man allegedly tried to break into the house and was banging on an outside door and screaming, “open the door I won’t hurt you,” then proceeded to bang on the windows.

A woman was concerned a relative was reportedly posting “frightening things” on social media about his father and wanted to show a deputy the disturbing posts.

Someone was very concerned about potential sex trafficking after allegedly looking at Kalispell job listings online and seeing something advertising for young girls to be in porn movies.

Debris was spotted falling out of an old truck for miles in Kalispell.

A snowmobile was supposedly trespassing on a Whitefish property on U.S. 93. When the resident attempted to talk to the man he reportedly took off and “won’t talk to anyone.”

Someone reportedly saw items being thrown out of a vehicle that was “all over the road” heading toward Kalispell.