Thursday, March 06, 2025

Glacier National Park announces July artist in residence

| July 11, 2018 6:27 PM

Artist Emily McIlroy joins Glacier National Park for the second artistic residency of the summer. She follows choral artist Matthew Harrison who was in residency for the month of June.

McIlroy uses drawing and painting as a means of connecting inner and outer landscapes. Her work explores forces and life forms of the natural world, as metaphors for human emotional experience and ways that humans connect with the environment.

During her residency, McIlroy will focus on the act of walking as part of her artistic process. Responding to Glacier’s wilderness through the creation of images and test, she will compose an aesthetic field guide that connects visitors with their passage through the park.

 Three public programs will be offered during her residency, including a Brown Bag Meet and Greet with the artist on Thursday, July 12 from noon to 1 p.m. at the Community Building in park headquarters in West Glacier.

Additional public presentations will be scheduled including an artist sketch-walk for later in July. The sketch-walk presents an opportunity for participants to use the practice of drawing as a way to observe and interpret the wilderness around them, as well as explore how to connect the wonders of nature with their own inner worlds. The walks will be limited to 15 people and an RSVP will be required to the Volunteer Office.

To receive additional information about upcoming programs not yet scheduled, and future announcements about the Artist-in-Residence presentation schedule, please email to be added to an email distribution list.