Thursday, March 06, 2025

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| July 22, 2018 4:00 AM

Psst! Tally Lake Road is not a speedway

Sure, reckless driving is punishable by law. Reckless driving is usually a more serious offense than careless driving and improper driving. It is often punishable by fines, imprisonment, or driver’s license suspension or revocation. But this does not seem to stop you.

You drive up and down the roads like it is a NASCAR race. But did you ever stop and think about who you could potentially be hurting? Did you ever stop and think, wow, I could seriously hurt or even kill someone, or even myself, by driving like this? If not, it is time you’ve begun.

As a former U.S. Navy Corpsman and paramedic open water lifeguard, I have first-hand seen what a vehicle can do. In one case a small child was struck by a vehicle in a parking lot and was so badly injured that we could not even let her mother see the small lifeless child.

Tally Lake Road has turned into a accident waiting to happen. I can’t help but think back on that sad day whenever I get passed on a corner or in front of someone’s house, tailgated while driving 20-25 mph, or have someone drifting around corners sliding into the oncoming lane. This is a daily occurrence on my way to and from my house.

Tally Lake Road has the potential to be a biking and pedestrian paradise, ruined by inconsiderate and irresponsible drivers. I would never dream of taking my dogs on a walk or biking on the road as it too dangerous. What a shame!

I also pick up the trash on the residential portion of the road. This spring I picked up four large bags of 99 percent alcoholic beverage containers. These are obviously being thrown out of cars, implying drinking and driving.

Please if you see someone, call the authorities, they can only help if we let them know. —Mark Logsdon, Whitefish

What would Jesus say about Trump’s lies?

“You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” —Jesus (John 8:44)

According to the New York Times, Donald Trump has told more than 2,000 documented, verifiable, lies since he has been in office. That’s about 5.6 lies per day.

Sometimes he lies, while lying.

What’s the problem? All politicians lie, right?

Well, first of all Trump’s not a politician. A big reason his supporters voted for him was “to drain the swamp.” He’s supposed to be a businessman. But as anyone in business knows, you don’t trust a known liar.

So a free pass doesn’t fly here.

Here’s the thing about this kind of lying. It’s like cancer. Once it gets hold, it’s a bitch to exile.

It just keeps growing, metastasizing. Eventually it kills its host.

But wait, there’s more.

Having a president who lies like this is worse. For better or worse, the president sets an example for a nation. If he has success from lies, those who see it, jump on the train. Lying becomes seen as a talent, an asset.

So an entire nation can become infected with the same cancer.

And the cancer does its thing.

“Clever lies, that get you ahead, and fool others, will set you free,” said Jesus. To no one ever. —Eric Funk, Whitefish

Clinic protesters have simple goal: Don’t kill babies

In reply to Barbara Palmer’s critical remarks of those against abortions and the All Families Clinic in Whitefish who perform them, I would like to defend their purpose.

Most Christians simply don’t believe in killing babies. All have the right to life, according to God (not to quote all those verses that have no bearing on life of a baby). During the annual prayers of 40 Days For Life, members of all faiths stood in front of the clinic not to protest but to pray for them that they would end this practice of killing babies.

There is a list of people who would love to adopt a baby that could not be cared for or organizations willing to help a pregnant woman. I pray for people with your belief that killing babies is OK. —Carol Anderson Whitefish

Another invasive species to target?

On the occasion of the most recent “Mack Days”: Once again we promote the lunacy of allowing a few game hogs to ruin a world class fishery for the rest of us. Why? In order to go back to a former time when the “invasive species” lake trout weren’t abundant in Flathead Lake.

Perhaps we should also consider removing another more dangerous “invasive species” from our midst for the same reason — white Europeans. —Gerry Hurst, Marion