Saturday, October 12, 2024

More from the election mailbag

| May 27, 2018 4:00 AM

Stahlberg for Flathead sheriff

I have seen several letters endorsing candidates for the office of sheriff of Flathead County. All four candidates are honorable men, I am sure.

I think I am qualified to make an endorsement. I am a retired 25-year police officer, a retired 22-year volunteer firefighter, with a command position at both jobs. I spent 10 years on the Flathead County EMS Administrative Board and been a member of the Flathead Country Crimestoppers Board for 23 years. I know a little about public service.

I am a proud supporter of Keith Stahlberg for the office of Flathead County sheriff. I’ve known Keith for about 16 years. He is a fine Christian man and a very good husband, father and neighbor. I know he has the interests of the people of Flathead County at heart. He is a very level-headed man who doesn’t have an ego to feed like some might; he is not power hungry like some might be.

If you want to elect an individual who will return the county to good law enforcement, then you must vote for Keith. Keith wears his uniform proudly and will continue to so do after he is elected. We haven’t seen a sheriff proudly wear his uniform for some time in this county. —Bob Kun, Creston

Beringer is proven leader and patriot

During this primary election we are electing the sheriff who will lead one of the three most important offices within Flathead County. We rely on this office to keep us safe, to be mindful of our tax dollars and steward them well, and to operate with integrity. I believe Calvin Beringer is the best candidate for this position.

Calvin is a proven leader with 32 years of experience. He has taken on the tough jobs, worked in rural and urban environments, talks with his communities and gets to know them personally. He has worked with many different agencies at varying levels and capacities. Calvin takes into account the totality of circumstances and uses his experience and judgment to evaluate and measure his decisions and responses.

Calvin is a patriot. The U.S. Constitution is his foundation (mind and heart). I know he will hold accountable all who have sworn an oath.

I have attended events where Calvin is speaking. Listen to what he has to say. Ask him the tough questions for which you want answers. Be an educated voter.

Calvin’s position on deputies is that they should be highly trained to deal with all probable and plausible situations. Calvin has done this before and he plans to do this without high taxes. Deputies need to be efficient at their jobs while reducing the cost of training.

Calvin’s standpoint regarding community partnerships is due to his awareness of depth in our community of retired or relocated law-enforcement personnel, and retired, active and honorably discharged military service members. He also recognizes the benefit of working with non-profit organizations and individuals who can mentor and work with our youth to help detour them from taking a road toward crime.

Calvin Beringer is the right candidate to elect as our next sheriff. —Will Parker, Kila

White is the best choice for sheriff

All the sheriff candidates seem like nice guys, but when it comes to candidates for office, having a nice smile, a nice personality, doesn’t cut it, especially for the position of sheriff. We need a gutsy sheriff who believes in and will stand up for the rights of “we the people.”

Gary Marbut, president of the Montana Shooting Sports Association and a blessing to the protection of our Second Amendment rights, prepared a questionnaire for sheriff candidates. It can be viewed on Gary Marbut doesn’t waste time with softball questions like the ones that we heard at the April 26 Flathead sheriff candidate “debate.” He knows how to ask questions that seek out the truth. Calvin Beringer and Keith Stahlberg scored Fs — 44 percent and 31 percent respectively. Brian Heino scored a C+ (79 percent). Head and shoulders above these other men was Jordan White, who got a 100 percent for an A+. Liberty lovers, there is no other intelligent choice but to vote for Jordan White for sheriff. — Frances Young, Lakeside

Beringer has correct approach for county

After listening to the candidates for sheriff I feel that Cal Beringer has the correct approach to serving our community and upholding the law.

I like the fact that he wants to work with our local community’s retired military officials and retired law enforcement in harmony. In training them it is a win-win for our county. With the tragedies we are facing in our schools these trained men and women can be a tremendous asset for all that live here in the Flathead. Being pro-active is the key to staying ahead of these actions. We need individuals in security mode that can effectively communicate with the students and gain their respect and trust.

Passing the buck doesn’t work but working together does. —Gina Klempel, Kalispell

‘No’ on Krueger for commissioner

I recently attended the candidates forum in Bigfork and listened to all the Republican candidates running for county commissioner.

As Gary Krueger (a current commissioner) spoke of his “door always being open” and how he always “listens to the people” I almost fell out of my chair.

The dealings that I have had with this elected official have been quite different. He refused to meet with me to discuss an issue. Both of the other commissioners agreed to a meeting with me. There is a policy in place where you must meet with all three of them separately to discuss things. I called to ask for an appointment and he told me he had already “heard it all” from “you people.” I tried to explain that there was a legal document I wanted him to see, and he curtly replied that if it was important, one of the other commissioners would fill him in. Then he promptly hung up on me!

So, please do not vote this man in for six more years! His growth policy seems to be over-building this valley and rubber-stamping approval for more business at any cost to our quality of life. He clearly feels himself above the law by readily admitting to exceeding the speed limit on our bypass. What happened to earning a little respect by following the mission statement of the office to “protect and enhance” our valley? And YES, you are held to a higher standard.

Gary Krueger is a clear example of who we DON’T want in public office deciding our future. Vote him out. —Sheila Zohrer, Bigfork

Brodehl will stand up for your property rights

The U.S. Constitution gives Americans the right to private property. Private property shall not be taken for public use without just compensation.

Yet there are constantly issues that come up that question or threaten our individual property rights. As citizens our voices are best heard by the people we elect to represent us on the local level. There is a county commissioner who is up for re-election right now who does not give two cents about our right to private property.

Luckily there are three other people who seem to care who have stepped up to run against him — Randy Brodehl, Ronalee Skees and Jay Scott. Out of these three, Randy Brodehl has made individual property rights one of his priorities. He talks passionately about his belief that this constitutionally guaranteed right must be consciously protected in order to be maintained. And we cannot sit idly by and watch it happen.

The state already made a huge mistake when they let the Salish and Kootenai water compact out and sent it to the U.S. Senate. I know that Randy worked hard against that and will do everything he can to oppose it as a commissioner. Randy has integrity and he will work diligently to lead this county as a conservative commissioner. Our vote is for Randy Brodehl for county commissioner. —Pat and Sandi Doyle, Kalispell

Garner tells why he’s right for House District 7

In my run for reelection in House District 7 I have knocked on over 1,000 doors, gone to an untold number of meetings and talked with thousands of people about what is good for Kalispell and what is good for Montana.

I’ve heard about your struggles and your dreams and about where we agree and disagree. I’ve heard about the need to control costs and balance our budgets and how important it is to help those most vulnerable.

I have stressed that infrastructure investments and the support of small businesses are critical to creating jobs and providing for our community’s future. I have talked about how important I think improving and supporting public safety initiatives are to our success and why having a well-educated workforce is essential for our continued progress.

Through it all I’ve tried to be a good listener and I’ve tried to stay positive about what we can accomplish together. I’ve resisted the temptation to reply to those who see it as their mission to call names and engage in mudslinging and false accusations. I’ve seen the out-of-town dark money groups return with their demands and threats and throughout I have remained committed to putting the needs of our community first.

For me it’s about investing in our future and providing a place where people can pursue happiness and where they have the opportunity for success if they work hard and do the right thing. It’s about making the balanced investments in our community that people today and 50 years from now can applaud.

I’m asking for your vote and for the chance to continue to work with others to craft common-sense solutions to our community’s needs. Thank you for your support and I continue to be grateful for the opportunity to serve. — Frank Garner, Kalispell

Krueger has the right experience

We’re frequently told that experience is one of the best teachers. Over the past six years as we’ve worked with Gary Krueger on county boards and observed his commitment to resolving the challenges presented to him, we’ve become aware of the value of experience. His understanding of those challenges and his ability to address them have improved dramatically. Now is the time to retain that experience by re-electing Krueger for commissioner! —Charles “Chuck” Wilhoit, Somers, and Wayne A. Miller, Kalispell

Garner’s record is reason to vote against him

The tally of grievances against Frank Garner mounts the deeper you study his record. His last two campaigns focused on lowering taxes, yet he sponsored the gas tax bill and nearly every other tax-raising bill that came his way — including the disastrous Medicaid expansion bill.

In his speeches and on his website, Frank gives the false impression that he served his country in Afghanistan, when in reality he served himself with a lucrative consultant job for the billion dollar war machine Halliburton. Garner claims to prioritize public safety, yet he voted against HB 385, the common-sense School Safety Act. He scored a “D” on the conservative Americans for Prosperity scorecard and an “F” on the conservative Legistats Loyalty scorecard.

Frank claims to be a Republican, but his voting record is that of a Democrat. Frank Garner: the master of backroom deals with crony capitalists. What further information do voters of conscience need to reject this phony?

Garner’s opponent in the House District 7 race, Robert Welzel, will be a refreshing change. He stands for less government, lowering taxes, and increasing private sector jobs. Bob is also solid pro-life and pro-Second Amendment.

Vote for Robert Welzel for a great change. —Julie Dockery, Kalispell