Wednesday, December 18, 2024

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| November 11, 2018 4:00 AM

Tolerance, respect, civility and kindness

The recent tragic and senseless events in Pittsburgh are a stark reminder of the increase in hate and prejudice in our country. The City of Whitefish would like to extend our solidarity and condolences for the Jewish community.

Two years ago the people of Whitefish stood together when members of our own Jewish community were threatened and extremists wanted to march in our town. Whitefish spoke up, stood up, and lifted up our fellow community members in the face of adversity. We are here again to say that we will never tolerate hate. We stand in unity with you.

The city made a formal proclamation in December 2016 and I will repeat it once again, “The City of Whitefish rejects racism and bigotry in all its forms and expressions. The City of Whitefish reiterates its commitment to the values…. honoring the inherent worth of all people regardless of race, creed, national origin, sex or sexual orientation. The City of Whitefish will continue to honor its responsibility to promote tolerance, nondiscrimination, and diversity within our community.”

In these divisive times, it becomes even more important for us all to act with tolerance, respect, civility, and kindness — in our homes, in our schools, and in our jobs. I am grateful to be in a community that will always stand up for and support those in need.

—John Muhlfeld, Whitefish

Closet liberals

This is ridiculous! The Libertarians have once again skewed our elections in favor of the liberals who, in theory, work for goals totally opposed to the Libertarian agenda. But why would they continue to pursue this tactic? Is it just ego and pride so that Breckenridge can see his name in the paper? Or is it just stubbornness mixed with a large measure of stupidity? More than likely it is that, in reality, Libertarians are closet liberals.

Sen. Jon Tester has never won the majority of votes in the state of Montana and yet will be our Senator for 18 years due solely to the influence of the “Libertarian party.” Tester’s votes have helped propel our country further and further toward the goals of the left of communism, socialism and fascism. Yet, even though the Libertarians profess they are totally opposed to that philosophy, they ultimately work to make certain the State of Montana through Tester promotes that agenda.

Is it just ego or is it a case of they just want their moment in the spotlight and state in effect “frankly my dear, I just don’t give a damn” if you don’t vote for us? Their tactics make no sense if they are truly trying to pursue a libertarian agenda as all they have accomplished is totally the opposite of their stated goals.

Since their tactics have consistently produced positive results only for the liberals one should reasonably conclude libertarians are, in reality, liberals who hide their identity behind false rhetoric. It is either that or a case of abject stupidity which prompts them to continue to use the same tactics and expect different results.

It’s time for Libertarians to step into the world of reality and frankly admit their real goals. Conservatives are tired of their antics which lead to such detrimental results and, in same measure, of their words which ring so hollow. It prompts me to desire an amendment which would require elected U.S. congressmen to receive a majority of the votes to be able to hold office. In lieu of that I suggest the Libertarians take a different course engaging in real (and truthful) political discourse that would lead to positive results. However, I won’t hold my breath waiting for it.

—Mark Agather, Kalispell

Tester needs to deliver on promises

I would like to ask your readers to bear with my congratulations to Sen. Tester. This past election proves more money will cover up bad past decisions and lack of support for the real MONTANA people.

I am a veteran who has asked for his support for the past eight years and received none! I reported GSA, General Services Administration, for waste fraud and abuse which was investigated by the Senate a year after my letters were sent! I received NO recognition nor response of any kind! I also have asked for assistance with the VA claim for medical disability and again NONE was received! The VA in Helena has never given the PTSD support that they were supposed to be giving to vets! The Choice Program does not work efficiently! How about helping the people in Montana that you, Senator Tester, said you were are “working for”?

He has received millions of dollars from “special interest” groups to benefit himself and what happened to the rest of the people in Montana NOT TO MENTION the rest of the LEGAL citizens of this country? All I ask from you, a civil servant, is to make wise decisions that will safe guard the CITIZENS of this state and the country. Work for the people of MONTANA and use the money you received from out-of-state “BRIBERS” to make positive change.

People in Montana, real Montana, are proud to work hard and support this great country. We are tired of watching our efforts to work hard to get ahead be given away to the illegals and lazy do-nothings! Please start today to deliver on your promises! Good luck!

— Ron Albrecht, Kalispell

What is wrong with you people?

I am so disappointed in some of the people that drive here in Kalispell. I live near a busy intersection. I can’t count the times and again this morning an emergency vehicle with lights and siren going has to STOP and blow his horn because people would not pull over. Two cars pulled out right in front on them. What is wrong with you people? If that emergency vehicle was going to help somebody in your family it would be a different story. Where is the kindness, compassion that we should have for each other?

Please when you see those lights or hear that siren pull over. Every second counts.

­—Donna Thompson, Kalispell

Reflections on Trump rally

The sight of five Native American gentlemen in full headdress regalia backing up Trump in the crowd at his final Montana rally was a Norman Rockwell delight. As we watched our president, this strange and unlikely messenger from D.C., tirelessly unfold his popular rhetoric before them in support of candidates Rosendale and Gianforte, we were reminded of the opening stanza from a William Cowper poem/hymn, “God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform.”

— Nancy McGunagle, Kalispell

The promise of hope

The opinion piece in the Oct. 31 Daily Inter Lake by a large number of area faith leaders was a welcome morning greeting. As a evangelical Christian I appauld their words of Biblical hope, justice and restoration through a loving and compassionate God who became incarnate in part to overcome fear, hatred, violence — to set us once again on the right path.

I equally agree with the header “Fear and hatred will not have the last word.” Having worked and/or lived in some of the most divided and conflicted neighborhoods in America, espcially among rival youth gangs, I witnessed first-hand how conversion and unity can occur. However for too many mothers, grandmothers, parents, siblings and friends life was consumed by too many funernals, too much bloodshed, too much hatred and too much violence. Hope is lost when kids pray to live to 13.

American society has become overly violent in word and deed. We are too often self-righteous and uncompromising. I believe fully in the long-term promise of hope, healing and reconciliation. It’s the near term with such undenounced hatred as mass killings in houses of worship, shopping malls, places of employment or the use of a car to mow down peaceful neighbors that scares me as a parent. I wish more community leaders and especially elected leaders would lend their voices with these courageous faith leaders and stand against hatred and violence in all its forms in all our communities.

—Patrick Malone, Kalispell