Sunday, October 13, 2024

Woman has hissy fit over friend not watching football

| October 15, 2018 4:00 AM

A woman on Baker Avenue requested Whitefish Police Department respond to the location after alleging her friend had a problem and was having a tantrum. Apparently, the woman was the one having a hissy fit when dispatchers heard her yelling in the background at him. The man reportedly said he was fine and that she was yelling at him because he wouldn’t come upstairs to watch the football game with her. The two parties were advised to stay on their respective floors.

A man on Central Avenue reported a suspicious transient who was reportedly jumping and screaming at people. Police made contact with the man who was described as a little agitated, but calmed down before going on his way.

Someone on Montana 40 allegedly saw a female passenger in an old, beat-up sports car use a straw to snort what they believed to be drugs off a tray.

Protesters on Spokane Avenue reportedly planted signs into the grass on private property. Officers advised them to stay off the property.

A trailer, parked on private property near Haugen Heights Road for the past month, rankled someone who was concerned that, although it was off the roadway and was not obstructing traffic, was reportedly blocking a shoulder and would be a danger when it snows. The person also said it was an eyesore.

It may have been a case of the “poison pen” when a woman alleged that someone was trying to sabotage her husband’s business by sending unpleasant text messages to clients that could potentially harm his reputation.

A black bear was seen walking into a parking lot on Third Street after getting into someone’s trash on Kalispell Avenue.

A man attempting to walk back to the lodge he was staying at after attending a house party called police for assistance when he came to the realization that he really didn’t know where he was going.

Kalispell Police Department received a report from a woman that her son was reportedly using heroin in her apartment and wanted him removed from the property.

An elementary student, who was allegedly being disorderly, ran home before his mother could pick him up.

The driver of a truck pulling a trailer in an alleyway was counseled about blocking the area from emergency vehicle access.

A man wanted advice on how to handle a situation involving purported ongoing harassment by an ex-girlfriend’s mother.

A man, who was only described as having “poofy” hair, was reportedly trespassing in a parking lot.

A woman reported being stalked everyday by someone in a blue truck with dark tinted windows.

A woman returned an officer’s call referencing a neighbor who claimed she backed into his friend’s car and reportedly said she didn’t have any recollection of backing into another vehicle.

A man was advised to get his dog microchipped after he reported concerns that his ex-girlfriend was going to travel from Wisconsin to Montana and take the dog. The ex reportedly had been harassing him and sending messages regarding the canine companion they reportedly shared during their relationship. She also allegedly threatened to call his place of work to “cause trouble.”

A man told police his neighbor called him saying he was going to knock his door down and “do him in” then rambled on about heartlessness and his mother. Apparently, the call was over a $400 loan and a civil suit. Both were counseled.

A passerby told police that two people appeared to be in a physical altercation in a parking lot when a man was seen pulling another man out of a vehicle and they began shoving each other. Turns out, it was a father and son engaging in horseplay.

Flathead County Sheriff’s Office received a report of an assault with bodily fluid on Main Street in Kalispell.

A vehicle on Elm Avenue in Kalispell was broken into and personal information reported stolen.

A woman on 16th Street in Columbia Falls allegedly said she believed gas was being siphoned out of her vehicles.