Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Is government targeting citizens?

by Jim Garvey
| September 23, 2018 4:00 AM

Many years ago there was a movie with Paul Newman and Sally Field and it was called: “Absence of Malice.” The plot involved Paul Newman as the nephew of a big time gangster figure in Florida and the Justice Department scrambling around to get evidence to convict this person.

As a result, the various intelligence agencies destroyed Paul Newman’s life and his business. Something akin to what happened to Carter Page and the Mueller investigation in regards to “collusion.”

Now a little over two and a half years later, something very similar is now taking place over the nomination of a Supreme Court justice. It is quite evident to anyone who follows politics to any degree that the Democratic Party has stated openly: They will oppose his nomination and this was said long before the Judicial Committee sat down to interview this man. “By hook or by crook” an accuser of 36 years ago has come forward with the claim that Kavanaugh tried to rape her at a high-school party. Unfortunately the so-called victim does not recall the exact location, the time of the alleged incident and who were all the people at this party. But because of this incident and the “Me Too Movement” the Democratic Party is demanding that the FBI investigate this matter.

For starters the matter is “moot” for it does not fall in the jurisdiction of the FBI, since the incident took place in Maryland and the matter would involve the local police and the matter also involves juveniles. This is something that the Democratic Party is aware of, but nonetheless, they are pushing this incident to stall the vote on this nominee. This is simply a tactic to smear this man and his family and all in the name of justice and “Absence of Malice”?

But this is not the end of this “charade” although Congress perhaps would wish it would go away. About a year ago. four members of Congress were either forced to resign or resigned on their own, due to allegations of sexual misconduct and all tied into the “Me Too Movement” involving Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein.

It was finally disclosed that in the Hallowed Halls of Congress, all the way back to 1999 a “Secret Sexual Slush Fund” was set up to protect members of Congress, by using this “Slush Fund” as “Hush Money” to silence the ladies of that time. Who was involved? We know $17 million has been paid out to various people by our Honest Politicians over the course of these years. Who set up this slush fund and where did the money come from? Not one word has ever been disclosed as to who was involved for fear of the total collapse of the Congress of the United States. I’m surprised this incident wasn’t put under the classification of “National Security” like the $70,000 conference table that Andrew McCabe purchased for the FBI.

Recently; about a month ago Rep. Keith Ellison was accused of domestic violence against his girlfriend and this was corroborated by his girlfriend’s son. Moreover; Keith Ellison is a Democrat and a Muslim! Heaven forbid we get involved in a Muslim religious matter? Where is the “Me Too Movement” on this matter? They are nowhere to be found, for it does not fit their agenda.

So to quote my president: “What the hell is going on?”

Garvey is a resident of Kalispell and a former police officer.