Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Letters to the editor April 7

| April 7, 2019 4:00 AM

Library provides window into our diverse world

I wanted to thank the Daily Inter Lake for publishing the letter on April 4 about the library storytime and allowing ImagineIF to respond with their policy on selecting books.

As a teacher and a mother of three children, ages 5, 7, and 9, I am so grateful for our remarkable local library system and their commitment to provide a window into the diverse world we live in to my children. I am a Bible-believing, follower of Jesus and dream of the vision painted in Revelation 7 of all people coming together as one.

I would encourage anyone curious about why it is vital for our library to continue to provide and read a variety of children’s books to listen to the Scholastic Reads podcast, “I Exist: Why Representation in Children’s Books Matters.”

While I respect Ms. Stockham’s views and she has every right to voice her opinion, I’m confident that the story wasn’t a detriment to any of the children and may have very well saved one or more from self-harm in the future. Same-sex marriage is legal and has been for nearly the entire lifetime of the children mentioned. It needn’t be controversial.

—Julie Kreiman, Bigfork

Not the library’s role

I am a regular visitor to the library (it’s still the county library to me) and while browsing I noticed on one of the tables a book about gay, lesbian and transgender issues. I guess they wanted them noticed. I was not interested so I just moved on.

Then I read (DIL letter to the editor April 4) where an employee read to children a book on gay marriage. I have to wonder when was the last time a book was read to them on traditional marriage? Remember, gay marriage has not been around all that long. For every book on the gay lifestyle does the library have one dealing with the straight lifestyle specifically?

If I remember right, it was only a couple of months ago that they had a day at the library where they promoted all these alternative lifestyles, even a picture in the paper. When did the library ever promote the straight lifestyle? When did you ever hear of a straight pride parade? Well for what it’s worth, my opinion is straight people don’t need the parades or the demonstrations because they are comfortable in who and what they are, and don’t need the attention, like some kids when they don’t get the attention they think they should.

Far be it from me to judge someone different from me, but I do have to wonder what business it is of county employees to present these subjects to children. It’s not their job. When little Suzie asks mom about it, that’s where answers should come from. It’s called parenting. It’s not the job of a library employee to educate them on the subject.

I have always thought we got a lot of bang for our buck tax wise from the library, but I have a very different view now.

—Glen Hook, Kalispell

Glad library promotes diversity

I am very happy to see that our local library promotes diversity and tells stories that show all different types of families.

Families don’t come in one size, shape or color. Families come in millions of varieties. Suggesting that children shouldn’t be exposed to this knowledge is closed minded and potentially ridiculous.

Regarding the recent letter to the editor (April 4), one of the children in that group may have a family that the letter’s author views as out of the norm. Maybe that child now feels better about their place in the world as a result of that story. Maybe lives are improved as a result.

It’s time we all opened our minds and embraced diversity.

—Amy Weeks, Columbia Falls

Both sides of capitalism and socialism

I am writing to add my support to the excellent letter (March 24) from Tom Shaughnessy of Kalispell.

America is a great nation because throughout our history we have embraced a fluctuating mixture of capitalism and socialism, as Mr. Shaughnessy pointed out.

Capitalism provides jobs, fosters innovation and ideally builds a strong middle class. Capitalism alone ultimately founders because of greed, a trait that is a part of our nature. The rich get richer and more powerful, the poor get poorer in unfettered capitalism.

Socialism gives us those things that the private sector is unable or unwilling to provide such as roads, fire departments and public schools and offers safety nets for the poor. Socialism alone becomes stagnant, lacking the motivation of individual drive.

In other words, we are too greedy to be just capitalists and too lazy to be merely socialists. Both systems have a basic unfairness about them that we may rebel against or overlook, depending on our economic orientation.

The left is outraged at corporate greed, at cynical lobbyists influencing our lawmakers, and at billionaires who sit on so much of our national wealth.

The right is afraid that the idle will receive from the government a handout that mocks the hard work they have done all their lives and is afraid of the profound changes in nearly every aspects of modern life.

Many of us are exhausted from hearing labels flying back and forth across our great land. When you hear your president and your congressman blame the troubles in Venezuela on socialism, ask yourself “Am I sure this is true?”

To label an idea or position is to put it into a box so you don’t have to make an effort to understand it. We can do better.

—Eva Maxwell, Kalispell

Relations with the opposite sex

I am 80 years old and have seen most everything, but this sex thing is so blown out of proportion that it is laughable.

I don’t care if it is women or men making these charges. Are they so hard up for attention that they bring up things 20 to 30 years old to claim sexual advances against the opposite male or female? Why didn’t they take care of it then, if it was such a big deal?

I doubt if any one of them can say they never hugged or kissed a grandchild, a close friend that they hadn’t seen in years. Are they going to claim sexual behavior down the road a few years? How about the lady that just lost her husband? Is she going to claim sexual advances if you put your arm around her shoulders? I don’t think so.

I have had working relations with the opposite sex that became dear friendship. Every time we meet, we exchange a hug or shake hands. Are either of us going to claim sexual harassment down the road a few years? I don’t think so.

To all of you who think what is going on right now, especially in our government, is OK, then I feel sorry for you and I would gladly extend my condolences and give you a big hug to make you feel better and give you a chance to claim sexual harassment against me.

I believe in loving my fellow man or woman and I do not need sex to do it.

—Sid Anderson, Kalispell