Monday, March 10, 2025

Suitcase surfer was good to go

| December 3, 2019 4:00 AM

Someone called the Kalispell Police Department about a woman sitting on her luggage in the lobby. She felt it was strange because the luggage surfer didn’t appear to be homeless. When the caller asked the woman what she was doing, she said she was trying to call a cab. When an officer investigated, it was determined the woman was allowed to be there.

A caller said a man got out of a silver vehicle with Idaho plates and a Packers sticker in the back window and urinated in the parking lot. The man was described as being white with brown hair and wearing a scarf. When an officer spoke to management they didn’t want to pursue anything and it was OK for him to be there.

A woman said someone took $2,500 out of her wallet and some identification.

Officers were called to a home after a 17-year-old female busted a door while arguing with her mother over not doing her chores.

Someone reported an unknown person had smashed the driver’s side window out and stolen a 9 mm pistol.

Another caller said a person broke the window out of his truck and stole a Smith and Wesson pistol.

Officers rescued a lost Bible after someone found it on the street inside a zippered case with church literature and a card with a family photo.

It was a false alarm when a passerby saw smoke coming from the top of the building. A check learned that employees were on scene and the smoke was the result of normal ventilation.

A man said a bunch of people were trying to get him, but there was some confusion about just who they were or why they wanted to get him.

Someone reported a man took a bow and arrows off the shelf before returning them.

A mother called at 5:02 a.m. because her ex took both kids, 12 and 14 years of age, hunting and the child who was supposed to be at home by 5 p.m. was not. She didn’t know where they went hunting and she can only talk to him by email because he has blocked her calls. However, she claimed he hasn’t responded to her emails. Then, at 5:09 p.m., the kids were dropped off at home.

Someone said the neighbor’s dog was crying and the caller said she thinks it is because of the cold. She said the dog is kept outside before the sun rises until they go to sleep. She said she couldn’t see water, food or shelter and the dog barks all day long. When an officer arrived, all was quiet.