For a good time, follow that car?
A man told the Kalispell Police Department he was suspicious of a vehicle that supposedly followed him around a school. When he pulled over to allow the driver to pass, the other driver pulled up behind him. He purportedly asked the driver why he was following him and he said “it looks like you know where the fun is at.”
The police received a call from a man who said he had a “sincere problem” to tell them. He then called back to repeatedly complain to a dispatcher about being “unlawfully arrested.” The dispatcher offered to have an officer call him back or have medical personnel respond, but he allegedly declined and shouted “OK, I love you, I love you, I love you,” and hung up.
A woman claimed she was going to rent a room from a friend, so she put some money down and left belongings there, but didn’t end up staying there, and now the friend was reportedly refusing to return her stuff and was threatening to charge her rent for all the months her belongings were there.
A bus driver allegedly called 911, but didn’t know why after a crying mother allegedly went outside and asked them to. The incident may have been a physical disturbance and parties were separated.
A “very smelly” truck and trailer were reportedly abandoned in a parking lot near a restaurant.
Someone reported two men pried a beer sign off a wall at a gas station across the street and stole it.
Police responded to a potential DUI call when a truck was supposedly seen “all over the road,” almost hitting three vehicles and turned south on U.S. 93.
A resident living across the street from a car wash allegedly wanted to know if there was any course of action he could take that law enforcement was aware of after he attempted to talk to the business owner regarding the recent installation of LED lighting that shone brightly into their home and backyard.
Someone wanted the neighbors checked on after hearing slamming doors and yelling.
A parent was not happy when a flatbed truck allegedly ran the red lights of a bus while they were dropping off their daughter, who was crossing the road, and wanted an officer to respond.