More letters to the editor Dec. 22
Hope Wilmot continues to awaken
From his editorial (Inter Lake, Dec. 15), it looks like Wilmot Collins is starting to wake up although it is clear from his obtuse and rambling article, he is still somewhat confused. But, at least, he does acknowledge our Constitution. If he continues to connect the dots his next letter to Senator Daines will ask him to do away with this over the top impeachment process and concentrate on the real culprits of foreign interference in our elections — the Democrat political machine.
As Wilmot progresses, he will realize that President Trump is not guilty of using foreign governments for his political benefit making these impeachment proceedings irrelevant. Secondly, he will have an epiphany where he realizes that only Hillary and the DNC, supported by the Obama administration and a corrupt media, sought out, paid for and used information from Russia to their benefit. And hopefully he will soon conclude that the most frightening thing of all is the use of all this false foreign information by the DOJ to conduct a never-ending vendetta against a duly elected president of the United States.
After that it will be a small leap for him to fully endorse the inquiry by Durham into the abuses of the heads of our Justice Department which are so dramatically apparent. From there he will see the need of appropriate punishment for the guilty parties specifically Comey, Strzok, Page, Bruce Orr, Clapper, Brennan and a host of others who engaged in such vividly illegal tactics. He will, by then, realize that, only by going through this process of convicting the guilty parties, will faith in our DOJ be restored.
One thing for certain: he doesn’t need to worry about Senator Daines doing the right thing as he has been our only Senator to fully support our Constitution ever since he was elected.
Yes, I hope Wilmot continues to awaken to the true facts as he continues to grow. If he does, he may even be able to contribute to the healing our country will need after we finish surgically removing this gangrene growing within our political bureaucracies. After all, like he says, “some matters are more important than your own political party”.
—Mark Agather, Kalispell
Where have all the liberals gone?
When I graduated from Columbia Falls High School in 1968, I considered myself to be the dictionary definition of a Liberal. Consistent with the Merriam-Webster definition, I was open-minded. I was not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy or traditional forms. In my quest for the truth, I sought to broaden my general knowledge including history and philosophy. I welcomed a difference of opinion, seeing it as an opportunity for discussion with the goal of learning the bases of the other person’s opinion. At the University of Montana, Missoula, I met many like-minded people. The U of M accommodated diverse conversations about diverse topics.
Today, everything is on its head. People who call themselves Liberals are suppressing speech. Universities offer “safe spaces” for people who are unable to cope with an idea with which they do not agree. Ideas that don’t comport with theirs are deemed “hate speech.” Rather than embrace the differences of opinion, seeing it as an opportunity for discussion, today’s Liberals attack the person calling him/her racist, homophobic, sexist, etc. Today there is no quest for the truth, rather Liberals, apparently believing that they are on the side of the angels, act as if the ends justify the means. They can lie so long as it moves us closer to their goal.
I hypothesize that the Liberals of today are no longer Liberals. They rather have morphed into Leftists. There is a continuum of left to right. Leftists believe that government can solve all the woes of society. In contrast, the people on the right believe that “that government which governs least governs best.” To the far left is total control by the government: totalitarianism. Totalitarianism is a government that is centralized, dictatorial and requires complete subservience. To the far right is no government at all: anarchy.
The tactics that the purported Liberals of today are using are the tactics of Leftists, designed to control people’s thoughts and ultimately to bend the people into submission.
Democracy dies in the dark.
—Mickale Carter, Columbia Falls