Monday, March 10, 2025

He said, she said: apartment living woes

| May 1, 2019 11:35 AM

Oh, the joys of living in an apartment. A woman claimed her downstairs neighbor was harassing her over the noise her TV made and kept pounding on her door and cursing at her, according to the Kalispell Police Department. Officers spoke with both parties. The neighbor claimed she kept dropping items and banging on the floor “all hours of the night.” She alleged she was “not having any raging parties,” just “moving about her apartment in a reasonable manner,” but would try to be more quiet in the future. They were advised to file a complaint with the apartment manager. All may have been for naught, as downstairs neighbor supposedly was moving out.

A woman, an older man and a young man — said to be wearing only underwear — were fighting in an alley. Police counseled the parties involved in the verbal disagreement.

Someone decided to call police about a man “with blood on his hands” who had bought some food three hours ago and was coming in to use the bathroom every 20 minutes. Police moved the man along and advised him of a warrant in Whitefish.

A woman who reported her phone stolen from her vehicle told police she found it — in the freezer.

A woman who found a dog had planned to keep him for the night and take him to a vet or an animal shelter the next day, but couldn’t handle the barking that was supposedly keeping everyone awake and wanted law enforcement to pick him up.

An elderly woman with an apparently sensitive heart monitor medical pendant had a history of hanging up on 911. The woman who was confused said she didn’t have a medical emergency, just wanted to go to sleep.

Three young children under the age of 5 were allegedly left in a running, parked vehicle and wanted police to speak to the guardians about leaving them there alone.

Someone said a lady with boxes and suitcases was dropped off in front of a building and said she needed a ride to Columbia Falls, but was told she couldn’t stay there. She left by the time police arrived.

Someone wanting to destroy old ammunition asked Whitefish Police Department what the best way to go about it was.

A Fourth Street resident wanted law enforcement to “quiet her neighbor down,” who was allegedly playing her TV very loudly. The resident claimed this was an ongoing issue and hadn’t spoken to the neighbor tonight because she “feels disrespected whenever they have an interaction.”

Someone on Lakeshore Drive reported three tweens who were supposedly “walking close to the tracks” and one of the girls was climbing a signal tower.

A man was reportedly jumped in an alley on Second Street.

Someone said they confronted a tall stocky man whom they alleged was looking in their fiancee’s vehicle and he supposedly yelled something that was unintelligible and “threw some trash down” before leaving.

A man who reportedly missed a call from 911 called to “make sure he wasn’t needed.” Dispatchers told him when 911 makes outgoing calls it does not show up as “911.”