Busted teeth strengthens best-friend bond
A woman who allegedly got into a “tussle” with her friend when they both fell to the ground and told Kalispell Police Department her teeth were “busted out” after she hit the back of her head on a parking divider and her teeth hit the concrete. She denied medical attention and reportedly didn’t want to pursue any criminal charges because they were “best friends.”
A woman purportedly woke up to 89 text messages from a man with the wrong number. Not only did she have to wade through them but they supposedly were threatening in nature where he claimed to have enough explosives to take out a small army.
A woman told officers she was in the Flathead recently and “now cannot find the gun she is pretty sure she brought with her.”
A pedestrian was crossing the street from the hospital when a driver stopped “very short” reportedly causing another vehicle to have to react quickly and then he rolled down his window and supposedly yelled at them to use the crosswalk and said, “I’m coming for you.”
A woman’s boyfriend, who allegedly had just been released from jail, reportedly drove her vehicle without permission while intoxicated in addition to smashing dishes in the kitchen.
Flathead County Sheriff’s Office responded to a report that someone allegedly “torched” a vehicle on North Street in Hungry Horse. The person calling in the report, heard the noise and walked down to investigate when he supposedly saw “stuff blowing up,” and tuned back. The fire was extinguished and the scene turned over to law enforcement. What was left of the vehicle was towed.
An AED was reported stolen from church campgrounds on Pierce Lane in Bigfork.
A Foothill Road resident in Kalipsell was concerned after a man came to her door wearing holey jeans and a blue down vest supposedly wanting to come into her house to go over her TV provider bill to get it lowered. She felt the whole scenario was not legitimate and he may have tried to speak to another woman down the road.