Monday, March 10, 2025

'Flying' cars pose danger on Lakeside road

| October 2, 2019 4:00 AM

A Blacktail Road resident in Lakeside asked Flathead County Sheriff’s Office deputies to patrol the road once in awhile because visitors were “flying up and down the road.” She purportedly saw an SUV drive at “excessive speeds” up the mountain and a pickup truck come “flying down,” and was “concerned for the drivers and the animals.”

A woman reportedly yelled at someone’s front door and had a gun “hanging around her shoulders” on Dolphin Drive in Kalispell.

Someone calling from U.S. 2. told deputies a man who was driving a white truck allegedly flashed a badge at them and “was being disorderly with them.” The caller claimed the man, who allegedly walked with a limp, was mad because they “wouldn’t move.” He told officers the business where he was at during the incident knew the man’s name and told him to move on. The caller thought he could be from a fire department.

A woman on Patrick Creek Road in Kalispell told officers someone cleared a road through her property without permission and she had seen a dump truck sitting on the property. She claimed the truck cleared out an old, overgrown logging road, but didn’t have more information as to who did the deed.

A woman was spooked during her commute when a car reportedly started following her closely for several miles while she was traveling on U.S. 93 outside of Whitefish; then a red light appeared in the dash of the car and the driver honked at her to pull over. Uneasy about the situation, she kept driving and turned onto Farm to Market Road, where she pulled into a driveway and shut off her headlights. The suspicious car reportedly continued driving toward Kalispell. Officers advised her if it occurred again she could drive until cellphone service was available, and to call law enforcement or head to Whitefish Police Department.

Employees of two different organizations were concerned about a Whitefish child’s welfare after noticing an alcohol odor on the child’s father, who was going to another location to pick up the child.

A drunk Martin City man allegedly suspected of burning tires threatened to throw a woman in the fire or hit her with a shovel. He was also throwing things at a window. Deputies talked to the parties involved and the man was going to calm down “for the time being.”

Two bears tore through fencing and broke a window to get into a hen house on Ferndale Drive in Bigfork, where they injured a couple of chickens.

A Mountain Drive resident in Hungry Horse woke up to a bear “huffing” outside her bedroom window. The woman also heard banging on the house.

A woman on Evergreen Drive reportedly had a bunch of used syringes she wanted to dispose of and requested a deputy come collect them in a sharps container.

A woman was “just standing outside screaming for no reason” on U.S. 2 in Columbia Falls.