Tuesday, October 08, 2024

National speech and debate tourney moves online

Daily Inter Lake | April 24, 2020 1:00 AM

Flathead, Glacier and Whitefish high school speech and debate competitors who qualified for nationals will still have a chance at getting the last word of the season as the tournament moves online due to COVID-19 health concerns.

The National Speech & Debate Association tournament will be held online June 14-20. The nationals tournament was originally set be held in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

“During times of crisis, the National Tournament’s mission is even more essential. Speech and debate provides comfort and strength to students. The National Tournament’s platform allows students to share their stories and speak up on the issues they care about, and that platform cannot be abandoned,” a National Speech & Debate Association statement said.

“We know the National Tournament is an important capstone experience to the speech and debate season for many coaches and competitors. Many of our high school seniors have seen their final chances to compete unexpectedly canceled. We understand how disappointed many seniors are, and finding closure for their high school speech and debate careers is very important to us,” the statement continued.

As a result, a Senior Open event has been organized for senior association members to compete for the last time of their high school speech and debate careers. Students who are not entered to compete in nationals, which includes alternates, are eligible to participate. The Senior Open is scheduled May 30-31. Registration is open at senioropen.tabroom.com.

Glacier High School Head Coach Greg Adkins said national qualifiers from the team are gearing up for the competition.

“While not ideal, I am excited about this opportunity. I’m so thrilled that they didn’t cancel the tournament,” Adkins said.

National qualifiers for Flathead include: Braden Anderson and Evan Sevaly, Policy Debate; Jasmine Anderson and Jonah Love, Humorous Interpretation; Eva Bruce, Lincoln-Douglas Debate; Sean O’Donnell, Extemporaneous Speaking; and Kianna Storm, Congressional Debate.

Glacier’s national qualifiers include: Dresden Allred and Sierra Riley, Duo Interpretation; Sydney Fletcher, Oratory; Hannah Nikunen and Joe Schlegel, Public Forum Debate; Simon Roston, Lincoln-Douglas Debate; Alexa Wilton, Program Oral Interpretation; and Jarrod Wutke, Dramatic Interpretation

Whitefish High School’s Bethany Barnes qualified in Informative Speaking.

In addition to the national qualifiers, five students will compete as a Western Montana World Schools Debate team. Out of 34 applications, the following students were named to one of two debate teams from the state: Mac Adkins and Parker Davey, Glacier; Abigail Bowden, Whitefish; and Scout McMahon and Alan Taylor, Flathead High School.

People who want to watch a live stream of the national tournament may visit live.speechanddebate.org, where a tentative schedule is currently posted. Recordings of the final round will also be available online following the competition.

Reporter Hilary Matheson may be reached at 758-4431 or hmatheson@dailyinterlake.com.