Thursday, March 06, 2025

Columbia Falls schools won’t reopen

Hungry Horse News | April 30, 2020 12:31 PM

The School District 6 board of trustees voted Wednesday night to continue remote teaching through the end of the school year due to concerns about coronavirus, with a few exceptions for students who need one-on-one support.

Most folks supported the school’s decision during the public comment period, though one woman noted that schools should reopen because most local students are healthy.

But others were worried not so much about their children getting sick, but their kids bringing home an illness and making them sick. They noted that already happens with regular illnesses like colds, nevermind coronavirus.

The school is working on some sort of graduation ceremony, principal Scott Gaiser said.

It will likely be held at the high school football field, with appropriate social distancing in place, with large screens and online streaming of the ceremony. He said the school has been working with the Flathead City-County Health Department on the plan.

Some other school districts have indicated that they will end instruction at the end of May, but School District 6 district struck that language.

“Any appearance of ending school early could jeopardize state funding,” superintendent Steve Bradshaw noted.

The closure runs through June 30.

There was some discussion about open gym time for students to practice during the summer. Right now, the school is still working on those protocols, Bradshaw said.

On a brighter note, the Ruder Elementary remodel project will likely start sooner, because no school is in session. Swank Construction has the contract for that project.

The low bid on the school fields between Ruder and the junior high has come in as well. It was for just over $1 million.

The board will vote on that contract at its May 11 meeting.