Friday, October 11, 2024

Man gets the boot and steals one in return

| January 22, 2020 6:07 PM

A woman reported a stolen boot and bird feeder on Grandale Avenue in Kalispell to Flathead County Sheriff’s Office. She claimed a man stole the items when he was evicted. Deputies spoke to the man who purportedly admitted he had the boot but denied having the bird bath. He told deputies he would return the boot. The woman was advised of the outcome and supposedly said “if she loses the bird bath just to be done with the situation, that was fine.”

People were allegedly shaking and dumping 2-liter bottles of soda out a truck window, spraying vehicles behind them and throwing the bottles onto the highway. The vehicle was said to be driving erratically and cutting people off on U.S. 2 in Columbia Falls. The truck allegedly shaped up when Montana Highway Patrol trooper came into view.

A disheveled man reportedly drove down someone’s long driveway on Many Lakes Drive in a rusty truck. The resident’s dogs started barking and the man took off.

A pregnant woman was allegedly kicked in the stomach by her boyfriend in Kalispell over a disagreement about household responsibilities. Officers counseled both parties on the “correct way” to handle their domestic situation.

A security employee on Big Mountain Road in Whitefish told deputies they supposedly had witnesses who wanted to file a report on a man hitting a 13-year-old boy.

Someone was suspicious about an SUV parked at a church on Montana 35 in Kalispell. The person reported the vehicle had its brights on, which were dimmed after they reportedly “spotlighted” them and said it kept moving and stopping in the parking lot before pulling out into the highway.

Someone calling from U.S. 93 in Lakeside claimed a glass was thrown at his head.

Someone was supposedly waving a gun in a sedan on U.S. 93 in Whitefish.

A black object, which appeared to someone to look like a piece of ducting, was reportedly blocking a lane of traffic on U.S. 93 in Kalispell.

A woman on Foothill Road claimed her husband was threatening her with his dog and “making it attack her.”

A parent on U.S. 2 in Kalispell told officers their 17-year-old son was assaulted by his manager who supposedly twisted his arm at work.

A man was reportedly pushing a woman around in Kalispell and the fight was “getting violent.”