Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Election Mail Bag July 19

| July 19, 2020 1:00 AM

I’m a Kalispell resident, a veteran and a single-issue voter this year. That issue is the Second Amendment.

In the Montana Senate race between Steve Daines and Steve Bullock the divide between the candidates regarding gun rights vs. gun control is stark. In his failed presidential campaign, Bullock was clear that he would eliminate semi-automatic weapons (he called them “assault weapons” which only exist in the military), impose universal background checks (no more father-to-son gifts) and institute red-flag laws (whereby anyone, anywhere could claim, for any reason, that you are dangerous and/or unstable) with the effect of having your firearms confiscated without recourse to due process. Instead of putting forward proposals that would address mental health and social issues that contribute to gun violence and subjecting those proposals to public debate, Bullock proposes to deny Montanans an unalienable right. As if destroying Montana’s firearms culture will impact behaviors in Chicago or NYC!

On TV, Bullock omits his views regarding gun control. Instead, he talks about rejecting PAC money (though he took PAC money during his presidential campaign), Medicaid expansion, education, job training, infrastructure and access to public lands. But Daines talks about those same subjects and the voting public needs to hear the views of both candidates to compare and contrast their positions. That’s how public policy is formulated. The one topic that can’t be reconciled is that of guns. Chuck Schumer is counting on Bullock’s vote to gut the 2nd Amendment. Bullock will not be his own man in the Senate, not if he wants good committee assignments and access to reelection funding. Daines needs to clarify many of his policy positions, no question. But I’m voting for Daines to save our Montana gun heritage and our God given right to self-defense.

—Bruce Colburn, Kalispell

As a proud veteran, I know firsthand the sacrifices our men and women in uniform make to keep us safe and defend our freedoms. The least we can do for our veterans is make sure they have access to affordable health care after their service.

Governor Steve Bullock did just that when he brought both parties together to expand Medicaid twice. Medicaid expansion provided affordable care to nearly 10,000 Montana veterans and their families. Governor Bullock’s strong leadership ensured that even the veterans who fall through the cracks of the VA’s health system never have to worry about going without the quality physical and mental health care that they need when they return home and reacclimate to civilian life.

Thanks to Governor Bullock’s persistent efforts, Montana has continued its long and proud tradition of honoring our veterans’ service. He will continue to be a strong advocate for vets here in Montana and across the country as a U.S. Senator, and that’s why I’m enthusiastically supporting him this November.

—Ervin Kicking Woman, Browning

Raph Graybill is running to be our next Attorney General and will fight to defend our healthcare and stop price gouging on prescription drugs.

Recently, 26 generic drug manufacturers were sued for conspiring to illegally raise the price on prescription drugs. These out-of-state corporations rigged the price on 80 different generic drugs that Montanans use everyday to live healthy lives. As a physician, I have had first hand experience with patients who have had difficulty obtaining the pharmaceuticals they need. This kind of excess is criminal.

Graybill has a plan to hold pharmaceutical corporations accountable and enforce our laws–putting money back in our pockets.

In contrast, Raph’s opponent, politician, Austin Knudsen, doesn’t think this is a priority. He recently said this “isn’t what the attorney general’s office is designed for.” Clearly it is the Attorney General’s job but Knudsen just doesn’t care to do it.

I want someone representing us to make it their priority to fight for Montanans. I’m supporting Raph Graybill for Attorney General, because he’ll be our independent watchdog against out-of-control pharmaceutical corporations and fight for Montanans everyday.

—Dr. Charles Jennings, Great Falls

Joe Biden and the Democratic party are not what they used to be. These days they have gone so far left they’ve lost touch with Americans. They want to take away our liberties, destroy our economy, and take away the rule of law. This is not what Americans want, it’s what the elite in our nation want.

Democrats have gotten to the point where they want to force us to wear masks every time we walk out the door, and they want to keep our country shut down while our economy languishes. They want to take away our guns and remove our ability to protect ourselves, and when that doesn’t work they’ll get rid of the people who risk their lives protecting us.

This great nation has been a leader in the world for over 200 years. Now our values, our freedoms, and our way of life are under attack. Everything our Founding Fathers fought for and died for is being challenged by the democratic party. We Americans need to rise up and tell the Democratic party who we really are — a country of values, of freedoms, and of justice. Don’t vote for Tyranny, vote for Freedom!

—Joe Kilman, Kalispell

During this uncertain time of COVID-19 virus, voters have to consider now more than ever issues in deciding the governor’s race. The top issue(s) for Montana voters in this race is job’s and retaining and creating them.

When this pandemic ends, we will need a governor who is capable of getting our economy progressing forward and creating a pro-job environment. Greg Gianforte has the business experience and leadership to move Montana forward in a responsible manner. This is why I have been supporting his election from the beginning of his campaign.

The Democratic opponent in the governor’s race has shown a propensity for supporting, government growth with a lack of transparency and job curtailment regulations. These actions fall on the backs of all our working Montanans in the form of tax increases. Greg Gianforte is not in favor of raising our taxes.

Greg Gianforte in November is a proven leader, job creator and will restore accountability and transparency to state government.

—Frank Fleming, Billings