Wildfire meeting July 1 in Apgar
The Montana House is hosting the West Glacier community wildfire information meeting from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, July 1, as part of the Wildfire Adaptive Community Plan development with the Glacier Gateway Vision Project.
The meeting will take place at the Apgar Amphitheater located after Agpar Campground in Glacier National Park.
Due to the current coronavirus circumstances a safe meeting format will be followed as required. Social distance, masks and hand sanitizer will be available if people don’t bring their own.
Topics to be covered include personal readiness, neighborhood readiness, fire season expectations and evacuation communication and procedures. Residents are welcome to send questions and concerns to mthouse@centurylink.net ahead of time or post your questions on the West Glacier Vision Mindmixer website at http://westglacier.mindmixer.com/topics/all.
The list of cooperating agencies will include: Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, County Office of Emergency Services, Glacier National Park, United States Forest Service, Canyon Fire Chiefs, and key fire experts in the community and county. A flier is being written on wildfire safety and evacuation procedure targeted for visitors who are form outside the area.
Other websites for information are www.firesafeflathead.com, www.firewise.org, http://dnrc.mt.gov/flood-and-fire