Thursday, October 10, 2024

Republican leadership will rebuild our economy, again

by Don Kaltschmidt
| May 10, 2020 1:00 AM

On the eve of the Treasure State’s most bustling season, Montanans are looking with uncertainty at the road ahead. An additional 15,000 Montanans filed unemployment claims during the week ending in April 25 due to coronavirus-related restrictions, bringing the then-total to nearly 100,000 newly unemployed Montanans and our unemployment rate per capita soaring.

Fortunately, over the last month, the Trump Administration and our Republican leaders in Congress have helped secure critical economic relief for these hard-working Montanans and our small businesses – even in the face of the Democrats’ delays and their attempts to push unrelated, left-wing agenda items at every turn.

Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Congressional Democrats have cast aside American workers by delaying relief legislation not once, but twice — only to use the dire moment as a political opportunity to advance policies like the Green New Deal. Montana simply cannot afford to elect another Democrat to Congress only to stand with their party bosses as the pocketbooks of employees and employers all across Montana take a hit.

While a Representative Kathleen Williams or a Senator Steve Bullock would be a big win for Chuck and Nancy, they would be disastrous for our state and ensure that politics, not leadership, define any future crisis.

The fact of the matter is that the Republican Party – not the Democratic Party – has shown up for America’s middle class during this crisis. The Republican Party – not the Democratic Party – has fought for the American worker. That’s why, when it comes to our economic security, President Trump and the Republican Party have earned the trust of everyday Americans and are in a strong position to safely rebuild our economy once again.

Just as we had a role to play in slowing the spread, so too do we have a role in helping safely return our economy to its historic strength by voting Republican this November.

When we emerge from this crisis, we will need an efficient government in Helena and Washington, D.C. that can safely accelerate our economic rebuild. We will need leaders in the White House, state Capitol, and Congress who defend our economic and political freedoms, not infringe upon them. We will need leaders who support pro-growth policies that stimulate our economy’s growth, not policies that stifle it. We will need leaders that believe in the American people, not just the American government. That’s why the Republican Party deserves your support.

In Montana, our Republican candidates at the state and federal level will always prioritize a strong economy and job creation. For some, that is the reason they are running – to rein in spending, lower taxes, create more high-paying jobs and protect jobs across all industries. It’s that drive and our Republican leaders’ belief in free market and pro-growth policies that will bring Montana’s economy to levels we’ve never seen.

The choice is clear: smaller government, more freedoms, and more prosperity by voting Republican, or higher taxes, more government, and fewer freedoms by voting Democrat.

I invite you to join us.

— Don Kaltschmidt is Montana Republican Party Chairman. He lives in Whitefish.