Friday, October 11, 2024

Election mail bag Oct. 4

| October 4, 2020 12:00 AM

Frank Garner’s statesmanship is rare

We have become a culture of “labelers.” If I can hang a table on you that I disagree with, I can dismiss you. I believe that is a mistake and a weakness. Labels such as conservative, liberal, tree-hugger, stone-licker are just a few of the favorites and the list goes on far too long. Sen. Joe McCarthy’s favorite label was “Communist.”

We do not have to agree with those who do not share our values, but we need to understand how they arrived at the conclusion that gives us heartburn.

One of the reasons I support Frank Garner is because he will listen to those who disagree with him. Frank’s statesmanship is rare in our current political cauldron. Although some on these pages focus on half-truth and propaganda, I believe many of us trust our feelings and instincts.

I have known Frank for more than 25 years and worked closely with him for 10 years at KRH. He is the kind of man I would be proud to bring home and introduce to my family or trust him with my house keys.

I will also vote for Frank because he is not a labeler.

—Jim Oliverson, Kalispell

Extreme Kathleen’s radical health care takeover

Kathleen Williams boasts on her campaign website that one of her top priorities is” fixing our broken healthcare system.” While it is true that healthcare reform is critical, William’s support for a Bernie Sanders-style government-run system would have a detrimental effect on Montanans.

Kathleen supports the individual mandate that will force families into purchasing government control healthcare that is burdensome and expensive. Her policies will ultimately lead us down the path of a single-payer healthcare system. A single payer system will not consider individual Montanans personal needs and budgets.

Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats are betting on more candidates who support these extreme ideas to get elected in November so they can further push their agenda. Kathleen’s plan will be costly and ineffective at addressing the current problems with our healthcare system.

We need a representative who has a strong record of achieving results when it comes to promoting quality, and affordable healthcare. At the state level, Matt has worked hard to reduce healthcare costs in Montana for the very first time, increase access to health care with direct primary care agreements, and protect individuals with pre-existing conditions. Matt Rosendale understands and supports Montanan’s freedom in making their own decisions regarding their health care.

— Rep. Carl Glimm, R-Kila

Williams best for public lands, health care

I strongly support Kathleen Williams for the Montana at-large House seat. She understands the importance of protecting Montana’s environment and outdoor heritage. She knows the field well, having been a hunter all her life and having served as Montana Legislature’s nonpartisan staff expert on water, mining and outdoor recreation policy during the 1990s. 

She is a product of public schools, and recognizes that America’s strength depends on high quality, accessible education. 

Kathleen will be a strong advocate for the rights of Montana’s Native Americans, as shown by her experience as a key negotiator for the CKST Water Compact.

As for health care, the Republican candidate, Matt Rosendale believes that the Affordable Care Act should be repealed in its entirety, and that Medicaid expansion should be ended. However, he has presented no alternative to the thousands that would consequently lose coverage. He offers a vague plan to cover those with preexisting conditions with “high risk pools,” a strategy that has failed in states where it has been tried. He has opposed the individual mandate, believing somehow that health costs would diminish now that healthy young people are able to opt out of the insurance pool.

Kathleen Williams, on the other hand, believes that the ACA, which has led to the insurance of 18 million Americans, can be improved so that coverage is maintained and costs reduced. Those presently covered with pre-existing conditions would have no affordable coverage without the ACA. She supports medicaid expansion which has improved medical care for thousands of Montanans.  

Kathleen would also like to lower medicare optionally to those over the age of 55, giving them the same efficient health care coverage now enjoyed by seniors.

I encourage you to vote for Kathleen Williams in the coming national election.

—Samuel H. Neff, Whitefish

Vote for experience, vote for Jacobsen

I write to encourage you to vote for Christi Jacobsen for Secretary of State. Jacobsen is the experienced choice for this office.

We constantly see headlines about election interference and hacking from China, Russia, or others. It’s comforting to know Christi Jacobsen led the Secretary of State’s office in improving cyber security. While she ran the office, they upgraded their system to two-factor authentication for every county election office in Montana.

Under her leadership, the office saved millions per year and reduced the bureaucracy. More impressive, while the size of the bureaucracy went down, so did the number of errors per year – by 50,000! Christi Jacobsen led the Secretary of State’s office in remote notarization.

From 2006-2008, I worked in the Secretary of State’s office. I am impressed with the streamlining Christi Jacobsen has done. It’s time to promote her to the top job.

Readers may recall that I was one of Christi Jacobsen’s competitors in the primary for Secretary of State. But Montanans selected the most experienced candidate in either party. It’s an honor to endorse her.

Vote experience, election security, and efficiency in the Secretary of State’s office. Vote Christi Jacobsen for Secretary of State.

—Bowen Greenwood, East Helena

Independence from party

As an independent voter I support candidates who maintain independence from party.

Matt Rosendale continues to staunchly assert his lockstep allegiance to party line.

Although recognizing importance of property rights, State Land Board member Rosendale stuck to party position opposing the extensively planned and well-vetted conservation easement for an Eastern Montana family ranch, which enhances the ranch and benefits both owners and the public. Matt Rosendale has strongly expressed support for the radical party line opposed by Montanans, advocating transfer or sale of public lands, which eventually privatizes and excludes public access. Rosendale rhetoric continues to parrot his party national political platform.

On the other hand, Kathleen Williams has consistently demonstrated her independence as a legislator in reaching across the aisle to accomplish important legislation for all Montanans. She will stand as a leader on the House floor to advocate for Montana, not for party leaders or party. Kathleen is an outdoors woman, a hunter and gun owner who will continue to advocate for wildlife, hunting, and gun ownership rights. She will steadfastly support public education, Medicare, Social Security, improved tax structure, and strengthening Montana’s economy.

Make Montana proud again! Vote for Kathleen Williams.

—Dick Shockley, Gallatin Gateway

Rosendale is for law and order

If you are like me, you are concerned about some of the things that are happening in America. There is rioting, people burning down buildings, shooting innocent people and shooting law enforcement, among other things.

To top it off, we have Democrat politicians who are encouraging the rioters and wanting to defund law enforcement. For these, and many other reasons, I think it is important to elect a person with common sense and integrity as the next congressman from Montana. That person would be my friend, Matt Rosendale, who is our current State Auditor.

Let’s consider Matt’s record as State Auditor. Matt cut the budget in the Auditor Office 23%. He cut the red tape, so we have more insurance options in the state of Montana. Remember, Democrats had that office for 16 years. so it was full of bloated bureaucracy.

As I know Matt, he is a free enterpriser. Like our Founding Fathers, he believes individual freedom is important. Matt doesn’t think government is the answer to everything. Matt believes in “We the People”.

Please join me in voting for Matt Rosendale for Congress.

—Steve Hinebauch, Wibaux

Impressed by Mitchell for HD3

As a father of four and a small business owner in Columbia Falls, I appreciated your Sept. 30 profiles of Braxton Mitchell and Debo Powers.

Mr. Mitchell toured our shop a few months ago and I was impressed by how well he listened to and understood the concerns of our workers. He also has deep family roots in our community and already knew several folks in our shop. He is intelligent, energetic, conservative and will be a great fit as our next State Representative.

His opponent, Ms. Powers, is something of a newcomer to our community. She seems to have an appreciation of the Montana outdoors, which is admirable. However, nobody at our woodshop has met Debo or is aware of her personally, and her lack of local and economic knowledge is painfully apparent. This shortcoming is understandable, given that she was voting in Florida as recently as 2016, but Debo is not the right person to be our voice in Helena.

This year has reinforced the importance of local elections and there is an obvious choice in HD3: Vote for Braxton!

—Marcus Esmay, Columbia Falls

Browning has values, skills to improve Montana

I am writing in support of Gerry Browning who is running for HD12. Gerry’s experience in the medical field and as a business owner gives her a wide range of knowledge and experience to represent her constituents and the state of Montana. She believes in responsible government and understands the challenges to provide adequate services and support for Montana’s citizens while maintaining fiscal responsibility.

As a retired teacher of 40 years and a two term Representative in the Montana State Legislature, I recognize that Gerry has the values and skills to maintain and improve our state educational system.

Gerry believes we must continue to adequately fund K-12 education. She doesn’t support free college education but she also does not believe our young people should have to go into debt for years paying back high interest government loans. Instead, Gerry believes we should invest more in two-year college programs, trade schools and lower interest student loans.

I feel Gerry is the best person to represent HD12. She s a listener, a problem solver, and a hard worker. Please give her your vote.

—John Fleming, St. Ignatius

Powers a strong voice for HD3

Our three county commissioners got it absolutely right when they unanimously voted to appoint Debo Powers to represent House District 3 after the resignation of Representative Perry.

On Nov. 3, when we elect Debo Powers to represent the citizens of House District 3 we will be choosing someone I know to be hard-working, committed to working with legislators, regardless of party, and who will always vote to keep our public lands public.

Debo Powers has both the experience to hit the ground running and the energy and enthusiasm of a freshman legislator. As an educator she will be a strong voice for public education and will be an advocate for a clean and healthful Montana. Make no mistake, Debo Powers will be a strong voice for the citizens of House District 3 and the people of Montana.

Debo Powers, there’s no better choice for House District 3.

—Richard Hildner, Whitefish

Trust what Powers can do for HD3

I write to advocate for Debo Powers, running for the legislative seat in House District 3. I know Debo as a friend and through my work as a fire lookout; we are both lookouts in House District 3.

Fire lookouts are important for detecting fires early, in communications with fire personnel, and in monitoring fire activity. We host visitors to our lookouts, answer questions and help people learn about both the importance and dangers of fire. Some lookouts are staffed by paid professionals, and some by trained volunteers. We all work together to help each other from our distant perches.

Debo has volunteered as a fire lookout for the Flathead National Forest for the past six summers to help protect her community from wildfire. I know she’s a fine ambassador for the Forest Service by sharing information about fire management with visitors and — when Covid’s not a threat — giving them a tour of the lookout.

Debo is a superb Montana House Representative because of her excellent communication and people skills, energy and enthusiasm, and commitment to public service. She had a long career in the field of education, has worked many years in leadership and advocacy, and she’s ready to continue her work in Montana’s Legislature.

On her campaign, she’s enjoyed listening to and learning from her constituents in House District 3. She’s smart, experienced working with groups of people with varied interests and values to make decisions to benefit all sides, and she’s eager to continue working hard for her community. She loves Montana, particularly here where she makes her home.

I encourage you to trust the potential for what Debo Powers can do for you, everyone in House District 3, for Flathead County and for this state.

—Elizabeth Wright, Martin City

Larson will address issues with clarity

I’m voting this fall for Kristen Larson for Flathead County Commissioner. I ask you to do so also. And I ask you to encourage people you know to do the same.

Flathead County faces many long-term challenges – social, economic, and environmental – exacerbated by the pressures of rapid development in the area. This growth is happening and will continue. It impacts the valley now and will continue to do so over the long-term.

A public servant needs to move beyond a cut and paste, cookie-cutter mindset and address these complex issues with clarity, resourcefulness, and practicality. Kristen Larson is this person.

Kristen Larson is already a grassroots community leader. As the owner of a local “mom and pop” business, Kristen manages a variety of counterbalances every day for her business to succeed – excellence versus mediocrity, imagination versus blandness, growth versus stagnancy, sustainability versus exploitation, community versus self-interest, dependability versus capriciousness, reality versus fantasy.

This is the everyday life Kristen Larson will bring to the Flathead County Commission with dedication, humor, approachability, and a strong sense of home – experiences and qualities that will inform her work as county commissioner.

Vote Yes for Kristen Larson - Flathead County Commissioner.

—Richard Turbiak, Kalispell

Vote Abell for property rights, freedom

We need Republican Brad Abell in the County Commissioner Office to protect our property rights, our freedoms and our wallets.

Please join me in voting for Republican Brad Abell in the upcoming General election.

­—Ardis Larsen, Lakeside