Friday, March 14, 2025

Law roundup: Owner to reprimand cat after it calls 911

| April 1, 2021 12:00 AM

A woman’s new cat reportedly stepped on her phone and dialed 911. The woman apologized to dispatchers, saying she would “tell the cat to behave better.”

A man allegedly turned in a wallet he found to the Kalispell Police Department and said there were possibly drugs inside. The wallet was returned to its owner and the suspected drugs turned out to be cremains.

A man reportedly spotted his stolen vehicle, a two-tone 1999 Chevy Blazer, at a carwash and approached the man driving it. The man allegedly attacked him, damaged his bicycle and drove off.

A man wanted to know if he could drop off old ammunition that needed to be disposed of at the police department. The items were collected for destruction.

A property owner received a call that people were camped out on his 20-acre parcel and believed “no trespassing” signs that were posted had been torn down.

A man who couldn’t find a ride allegedly became belligerent with a store employee and tried to get an ambulance because he had two broken feet, but was wearing a “medical boot” on one foot. Medical assistance was canceled and the man got a ride.

A customer leaving a store was concerned a man sitting in an SUV and playing with a green laser pointer in the parking lot would point it at the airstrip to mess with planes.

Extra patrol was requested after a man dressed in all black with a hood up, purportedly was walking up and down an alley and grunting.

Someone waiting in line at a fast-food restaurant allegedly saw transients take a Salamander brand heater stashed in an enclosed garbage area and walk away.

Someone’s son reportedly used a portable toilet and when he walked out a man said “some crude things.”

A bright yellow box with a “flammable materials” sticker on it was discovered at a fishing access entrance with no one around. Flathead County Sheriff’s deputies said it looked like the box, which was empty, had either been abandoned or discarded and didn’t match any theft reports.

Someone calling from First Avenue in Kalispell spotted a man who had reportedly pushed over their motorcycle at a bar. They said the incident was previously reported but officers were unable to locate him.

A caller on Parliament Drive in Kalispell saw a goat tethered to a fence without water or food in addition to German shepherds running on the loose. An officer patrolled the area and didn’t see any dogs on the loose, but did see dogs and a goat tethered in a backyard and observed the goat didn’t have water readily available. The officer planned to set up a trap in an attempt to catch the dogs allegedly at large.

A Whiskey Jack Trail resident in Whitefish was receiving mail addressed to someone else regarding a house purchase and called for advice on what to do.

A Kalispell man had a package delivered to an old address by accident and texted a person who confirmed it had arrived but then blocked his number.

A 14-foot aluminum boat with a motor, a generator and several other items were reported stolen on Creston Hatchery Road.