Letters to the editor Aug. 9
A tyrant’s playbook
First, they came to jab government workers, and I did not speak out, because I was not a government worker.
Then they came to jab private company workers, and I did not speak out, because I was not a private company worker.
Then they came to jab students, and I did not speak out, because I was not a student.
Then they came to jab me, and there was no one left, to speak out for me.
Different tyrants. Same playbook.
–Roger Dwyer, Punta Gorda, Florida (formerly of Kila)
Vaccine skeptic
It has never worked. The new genetically-engineered Covid vaccine does not work, even though theoretically it looks good on paper.
It was tried on several different diseases before Covid, and never worked on any of them. Now, Pfizer tells us that this process works almost perfectly, with no side effects.
Pfizer is a known corporate felon, who has been caught many times lying about their test results. It’s business model is, make billions selling drugs, then pay out millions in lawsuits when they fail.
The FDA oversees its production, but the FDA is controlled by the drug companies for the benefit of the drug companies. You can thank the big-money focus of both political parties for that one.
Pfizer tells us we must establish herd-immunity through vaccinations. Traditionally, that happens anyway when enough people catch the disease, and either survive or succumb to it. All viruses mutate as they pass through large masses of people. Most of them get weaker and weaker as they change.
Do not use it. Basically, this vaccine is yet another GMO – genetically modified Frankin-food.
—Ed Dramer, Kalispell