Letters to the editor Aug. 12
Rabbit hole
Silly me. I thought that rabbit holes had depth limits. The hole that
Mr. Dramer (“Vaccine skeptic,” Aug. 9) discovered has to be beyond the known limits.
Imagine that many thousands of nurses, doctors and clinicians from
around the world have conspired with Pfizer to mislead us with reports that vaccinated persons are protected against Covid-19 and that the currently nearly 100% of the sick, dying and dead (succumbed - his word) with the Delta variant are unvaccinated.
When plumbing to the depth of Mr. Dramer's hole I'm not confident that a tin foil hat provides adequate protection. Perhaps there is a vaccine for that.
—Bill Shaw, Columbia Falls
Bad look
Please, if today's letters (“Vaccine skeptic” and “A tyrant’s playbook,” Aug. 9) are an example of all you have in the mail
bag, don't publish any of them. It makes us look like a valley of morons.
—Joel Vignere, Lakeside
Medical marvel
The Wright Bros would be astounded to see how far their rickety flying machine has morphed over the years to the aviation marvels of today's sophisticated airliners, fighter jets and the B-1 bomber.
The first Apple computer of 1976 would be unrecognizable to young purchasers of their first iMacs. That's how science and tech work — building on the discoveries that came before.
So too with medicine. Not that many generations ago, bloodletting was a standard treatment for a wide variety of maladies. Picture that.
So as the CDC learns new behaviors of Covid, recommendations necessarily have to change as well. As long as a sizable chunk of the population refuses to be vaccinated, the virus will continue to find new vectors in which to mutate itself thru the entire Greek alphabet necessitating the need for new vaccines to keep up, until a majority of folks finally decide "hey maybe this vaccine business ain't a bad idea".
Stop drinking the toxic Kool-aid the right-wing talking heads — who have zero medical experience — keep serving up. They get paid handsome salaries to keep you tuned in and fired up.
Get the jab, mask up and let's make Covid gone.
—Andy Johnston, Bigfork