Law roundup: Man resolves to put up with 'roaming' girlfriend
A caller was “stuttering and slurring” when he called the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office to complain about his girlfriend “roaming around the house.” He said he hadn’t consumed “that much” alcohol. The man resolved to “suffer with her there” that night, but the couple was advised to separate for the time-being.
Some unauthorized campers apparently weren’t familiar with “Leave No Trace” principles. They camped in an RV and a tent next to someone’s fence, and the property owner said they bent the fence and spray-painted the ground around it.
A man found himself in double jeopardy when he was arrested and then allegedly had damaged a vehicle, in addition to his initial offense.
A man on a bridge was “throwing stuff...all over the place.”
Occupants in a Jeep were seen having an argument, but by the time officers arrived on the scene, the female occupant was gone.
An employee at a business said a patron refused to stay at the location for the night, even though he was intoxicated and the employee didn’t think he should drive home.
A woman was concerned because she hadn’t heard from a friend since June. She checked her friend’s residence and the hospital, but it turned out the missing woman was with her daughter.
A woman thought it was suspicious two vehicles were parked on the side of a road. She said she believed “law enforcement should check them out,” even though she spoke to one of the drivers and he said they were fine.