Letters to the editor Dec. 20
Vaccines for health-care workers
I have always thought that the medical profession subscribed to the tenet, “First, do no harm.” Apparently, I was wrong.
In her Dec. 11 letter to the editor Corrine Hammond, a registered nurse in Billings, expressed her anti-vaccine stance by praising the recent court decision that suspended the federal mandate that all health-care workers be vaccinated against Covid. Ironically, she claims to have considered it her duty, as a RN, “to advocate” for her patients. Yet, now she is advocating for the proposition that some imaginary “personal liberty” gives her the right to expose, and possibly infect, her patients with a potentially fatal disease.
Nurse Hammond even has the audacity to claim that terminating the employment of nurses refusing to be vaccinated “would have affected a patient’s access to care.” Apparently, in her mind, “access to care” includes access to Covid exposure. How an anti-vaxxer becomes a RN is a mystery to me. But, Nurse Hammond states, “several” co-workers “went running” to celebrate the court-ordered suspension.
Unfortunately, there is no way of knowing how many Covid-vulnerable patients hospitalized for some other reason became infected and died because Nurse Hammond, and her ilk, have been brain washed by right-wing propaganda. Patients now, knowing that anti-vaxxers are working in hospitals, should insist that no unvaccinated nurse attend to their care while hospitalized.
If Nurse Hammond has the interest in patient advocacy she claims, she should insist that all nurses of her persuasion wear a badge while on duty that states, “I refuse to get vaccinated against Covid.” Patients would then at least know who to sue if they contract the disease while hospitalized.
— Al Weed, Kalispell
Behavior shouldn’t be tolerated
Kevin Hamm is a Helena Democratic activist who has decided to run for Public Service Commission No. 4 in 2022. He’s supported by mainstream Democrats from across the state.
In July, Kevin tweeted the following message, “If you haven’t gotten vaccinated by now, you’re just an idiot who wants everyone to die. Shame on you. Absolutely, unequivocal shame on you. May your ancestors curse you as they’ve cursed us with you. And while Montana won’t go into lockdown because our leadership is cowards and traitors, we will face the same issues as other areas as fires and smoke (now) and snow (like six days or so from now). Sorry, but we know who to blame and we blame you unvaccinated, unmasked, uncaring, thoughtless, cruel [expletive] who think that anything that imposes on your immediate happiness is somehow the worst thing in the world. May you watch your loved ones die until you get it. That is what you asked for.”
Why has this received no coverage, and what does this have to do with the PSC?
Such close-mindedness toward others shouldn’t be supported by mainstream Democrats. Until Kevin publicly apologizes, no one should consider supporting him.
We need more moderate, serious candidates for important offices and the parties need to recruit reasonable people instead of fringe candidates who only throw bombs. The PSC responsibility to make sure our lights, electricity, phones, Internet etc all work is far too great to entrust to hyper-partisans who only speak to the echo chamber of their own base. If Democrats want to have a seat at the table this behavior should not be tolerated or kept from the public.
— Timothy Adams, Stevensville
God’s spirit
I think that the manner in which one lives the life given to them by God, in order to honor God and to make themselves, their families and their communities better, is what is important. It is how we can recognize God’s spirit, beauty, and diversity in our world.
— John Lavin, Kalispell
Montana Constitution
Mr. Skees again seeks attention and gets public scrutiny. Perhaps he’d like to write his own draft of a state Constitution, so that the voters can consider what he would regard as an appropriate Montana Constitution.
The current Montana Constitution serves us well and is subject to amendment as needed. After four terms in office one would think Mr Skees would have either proposed successful amendments or learned more about our governing document
— Margaret S. Davis, Lakeside