Thursday, December 12, 2024

Letters to the editor Dec. 31

| December 31, 2021 12:00 AM

Congratulations Dr. Kurt Thorderson

You have been a great asset to the community and we will miss you very much. We always knew that we were in good hands when we were in your care because you were patient and sensitive to our needs. We have always appreciated your expertise.

We will miss your commitment to excellence, may you retire knowing that you have made a remarkable contribution and have touched the lives of your patients in immeasurable ways.We have always appreciated your wisdom and sound judgment. We will also miss your smiling face.

Good luck, and know you will be missed by many colleagues, and patients.

­— Mark Logsdon and Erin Moseley, Kalispell

Moving target on vaccines

In what news we get, and especially what comes out of D.C., I did not rush to get vaccinate. But after the second shot, I did ask what those two shots really meant to me and was told I was then 98% protected from getting Covid.

Now, some so called expert on TV says if one gets the booster you are then 86% protected? Remember when you didn’t have to worry about your kids getting it? Well, have you noticed the rush to give them all shots now; and you can mix the shots if you want to.

In my opinion, Dr. Fauci is way over paid. If they truly knew of what they spoke, why does the information change so fast and so much?

I have had one member of my fairly large family get sick and none have gotten the shots but us, and they socialize and work all the time. I can see no reason to believe what we are being told. Could it be that it’s somewhat concocted so the drug companies can just make millions more?

— Glen Hook, Kalispell

Round-up thanks

Thank you to the Flathead Electric customers who round up their bill to donate to Roundup For Safety. That little bit you donate every month makes a big difference!

One of the many projects Roundup for Safety funded this year, the Mountain Brook Homestead Foundation was granted $1,821 to improve the safety of the old Mountain Brook School playground (now the Mountain Brook Community Center). With your donation and over 100 hours of volunteer labor, we now have safe fall zones and other improvements around the play equipment used by local children.

Besides the playground, the Mountain Brook Community Center consists of a library and meeting space for Mountain Brook Ladies Club Quilters and gardening club. We are a small nonprofit supported by community events and donations. Your contributions to Roundup For Safety made the playground improvements possible.

For more information about the Mountain Brook Homestead Foundation or the Mountain Brook Center, contact

— Susan Horner-Till, Kalispell

Are Democrats up to the task?

Can Democrats pull it out of the hat? Because with time running out fast and the next Republican coup attempt looming on the horizon, it will take lots of magic.

Battling midterm trends, bad polling, and bad press, the “leadership” is focused on issues of less import while overwhelmed by ruthless enemies engaged in asymmetric warfare. These new-day “illustrious dunderheads” are giving great speeches but not offering adequate responses to meet the crisis of democracy unfolding before our eyes. They may fancy themselves warriors for truth and justice, but the proverbial “American way” has devolved into some bastardized quasi-democracy/theocracy/plutocracy, which is no democracy at all. This sickening fact of American life — a rich white man’s paradise — doesn’t seem to have registered. They have failed to heed Bernie’s dire warning. Spectacularly!

None of them appear to be up to the task. Despite historic gains in the last two elections (the hue and cry from the people), the culmination of decades of Republican election fraud and the destructive influence by America’s enemies, both foreign and domestic, have succeeded in rendering Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, and America’s feckless chief enforcer Garland nearly useless, mired in the past, fighting lesser battles, some already lost. Meanwhile, the blood-and-guts front line has moved on without them.

While the Ivy League generals are incessantly poring over outdated maps, strategies, and tactics, safely ensconced inside their tents at the rear, their poorly supplied, poorly-armed ragtag troops are being systematically slaughtered outside the gate. By the time these paper tigers finally emerge from their air-conditioned backrooms in their crisp uniforms with popguns at the ready, the bloodthirsty Orcs with human flesh hanging from their teeth will have already breached the ramparts demanding surrender with lopsided, winner-take-all terms, which the cowering “loser-crats” will, of course, immediately accept.

— Ryan Lawlor, Kalispell