Wednesday, December 18, 2024

An argument for a Convention of States

by Brent Smith
| February 13, 2021 12:00 AM

Before discussing the topic of Convention of States, it is important to examine our nation’s political journey in the context of history. Especially now that we have a political class that is openly embracing Marxism.

There are stark similarities in the genesis of totalitarian and Communist empires such as the Chinese Communist Party, the Soviet Union, and Nazi Germany. These movements began by revolutionaries preaching sermons fomenting rebellion and anarchy. Their opponents were vilified and dehumanized through strategic well-coordinated disinformation campaigns. The Nazi’s sophisticated use of propaganda was borrowed by the Communist movements that followed, each promoting their respective “Big Lies” until the masses surrendered their collective rationality to the brainwashing.

Aided by the persistent drumbeat of hatred and division, the revolutionary movements steadily advanced, moving with dogged persistence. The populace was shocked at first, raising their clenched fists in protests. But as time went on, their indignation waned, and their shouts of protest were drowned by the mob, who subjected the opposition to group humiliation until they ceased objecting altogether. When the revolutionary rabble grew into an army, even the most ardent opponents began tapping their toes to the same beat of the drum. And the loathsome history yet to be re-written, revealed that the millions who refused to march to the demoniac drumbeat met their demise in a gas chamber or gulag.

Historians see the shocking similarities with what is happening in America today where citizens are being doxed, de-platformed, and losing their jobs because of political views. Conservatives supporting Trump are now being added to a “list” for future targeting. This is being done openly, voiced by vitriolic mainstream media pundits in full view of the world.

America’s mainstream media has ceased providing real news and has become, de-facto, an arm of the Democrat Party, pushing left-wing propaganda, and demonizing their opponents with hate-filled rhetoric.

Biden’s new anti-terrorism push specifically targets, — “objections to the exercise of governmental authority.” This vague description promises to give the DOJ broad interpretation to exact revenge against conservatives they deem to be a threat.

The D.C. political class has become adept at using the beauracracy against their opponents. I believe Obama used the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to shake down banks, funneling millions in fines to the Democrat Party. I believe he also used the IRS to target conservatives, like the Tea Party, and used the FBI to spy on the Trump Campaign. More recently, the DOJ actively targeted Trump supporters: Roger Stone, George Papadopoulos, Michael Flynn,

Meanwhile, establishment Republicans in Congress offer no real resistance to the growing tyranny, whistling and looking the other way while their fellow bureaucrats in the deep state get off Scott-free, e.g., every FBI operative involved in Crossfire-Hurricane.

Looking through the haze of D.C. politics, we see the despicable image of our politicians, Big Media, Big Tech, Wall Street, and the CCP, roiling together on a bed piled high with U.S. taxpayer dollars.

D.C. has become the biggest cash-cow the world has ever seen, with the U.S. taxpayers providing the milk that feeds the insatiable appetite of Congress and the deep state. Our nation’s capital has become the world’s capital of bribery, a place where career politicians get filthy rich.

They have created, in essence, a Ponzi scheme. Inflated budgets filled with pork are passed each year, with money funneled through back channels to their D.C. coffers, which they use to keep themselves in power, “kicking the can down the road” for the next generation to face the inevitable financial catastrophe caused by their avaricious betrayal of the American people.

D.C. politicians are chin deep in corruption: Obama’s CFPB scam, Hillary’s Victory Fund scam, AOC’s Scam PAC, Justice Democrats, etc., etc., but notice none of them get busted, put in jail, or lose office?

It is time to repair our broken federal government — it is time for a Convention of States.

The COS was included in the Constitution (Article V) to stop a runaway Congress that is drunk on power and no longer listens to We the People.

Even though each year Congress pays lip service to term-limits, they will never voluntarily relinquish their power — they are addicted to power and D.C. cash. Term limits are the only way to force them to be responsive to their respective constituents — We the People. Simply stated — we must end the reign of the Washington career politician.

—Brent Smith lives in Libby.