Legals for January, 4 2021
No. 27444 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS Whitefish Fire Department Master Plan The City of Whitefish Fire Department is accepting Statements of Qualifications from Consultants to produce a Master Plan for the City of Whitefish Fire Department which serves the City of Whitefish, the Whitefish Fire Service Area, portions of the Flathead Fire Service Area, with possible future annexations. The scope-of-work for the project is can be obtained by contacting Fire Chief Joe Page. FORMAT AND CONTENT OF SUBMITTAL Three (3) copies of the Consultant's statements of qualifications shall be submitted to Whitefish City Clerk, Michelle Howke, 418 E 2nd Street, P.O. Box 158, Whitefish, Montana 59937, no later than 9:00 a.m. Monday, January 25, 2021. Faxed or emailed proposals will not be considered. Each envelope shall be plainly marked: "Qualifications - WFD Master Plan" and include the Consultant's company name. Interested qualified Consultants must submit the following: 1. Cover Letter: Provide a letter of transmittal introducing your firm. 2. Description of Approach: Up to two pages of narrative describing the Consultant's typical approach to projects similar to this one, including the public process and intended extent of public involvement. 3. Team Expertise: Brief description of general qualifications, the multi disciplinary nature of the team assembled for this project, specific evidence of relevant experience creating similar products, and listing of key personnel that would be available to work on this project. 4. Comparable Projects: Summary of similar projects in progress or completed, with the following information for each: a. Reference name, with current contact information b. Current status of project (draft in progress, draft completed, adopted) c. Size and scale of geographic area 5. Sample document: Please include one or more sample documents selected from the list of comparable projects. EVALUATION OF SUBMITTALS Consultants responding to this RFQ must demonstrate the following: 1. Experience in completing similar projects. 2. Strong written and oral communication skills. 3. Experience in identifying, evaluating, codifying, and explaining the essential qualities of an all-hazard emergency response including fire, hazmat, rescue, and EMS. The City of Whitefish will evaluate all submittals to determine which Consultants have the experience and qualifications that are most suited for this project. The City of Whitefish will request interviews with the three highest ranked Consultants. Additional information may be requested after the interview, which may include the following: 1. Detailed description of the methodology being proposed. 2. Work program detailing: a. Tasks to be performed. b. A task timeline. c. Tentative allocation of person-days by task. d. Schedule of work products. 3. Methods the Consultant proposes to use to manage the project and communicate with the City of Whitefish as to project progress, reviews, and conduct of public meetings, if applicable. 4. Identification of key personnel to be assigned to the project and their roles, with resumes of all key personnel. 5. Proposed cost for project completion. 6. Data expected to be provided by the City of Whitefish. The City of Whitefish reserves the right to reject any and/or all submittals, to waive technicalities or informalities, and to accept any proposal deemed to be in the best interest of the City of Whitefish Fire Department. If you have any questions, please e-mail Fire Chief Joe Page. Sincerely, Joe Page Fire Chief Office: (406) 863-2491 December 28,2020, January 4, 11, 2021 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 27429 A storage auction for Grizzly Mini Storage is set for January 12, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. at 466 Ash Road, Kalispell, MT. 736 Cunnington 604 Clayton 080 Hermann 223 Hardgrove 09A Hardgrove 225 Coolidge 228 Coolidge 301 Basnett 419 Windbigler 224 Smith 502 Klingele 083 Hansonl 333 Hansonl 213 Smith 404 Gonzales 210 Averett/Gangewer Grizzly Mini Storage Sandy Johnson 466 A Ash Road Kalispell, Mt 59901 (406)756-6969 January 3, 10, 2021 MNAXLP __________________________