Barefoot man draws attention at gas station
A barefoot man raised the suspicions of a gas station employee when he allegedly parked his car at a gas pump and started digging through trash instead of fueling up. The employee told the Kalispell Police Department the man jumped in the car and left when they approached him.
A man reportedly was harassing city workers.
Two men allegedly tried to gain entry into a woman’s apartment and when she confronted them they claimed to have mistaken her apartment for another one that contained their belongings. She told police a neighbor also heard people rummaging through the apartment earlier in the day.
A heavyset man with trash bags full of clothes was purportedly asked 10 times to leave a business by a front desk supervisor who wanted police to formally let him know he was no longer welcome on the premises.
A woman was moving out with her boyfriend when the man’s ex-girlfriend reportedly showed up with her dad and started yelling at the woman and claiming she was stealing.
Two small children were reportedly left in a car. The vehicle was gone by the time officers arrived.
A stolen vehicle was found, but the title, keys, a wallet, phone and jacket were still missing.
A transient allegedly tried to steal from a store and started yelling at the employee who confronted him, threatening him with violence.
Someone’s vehicle caught on fire; smoke and flames came out of the hood.