Law roundup: Man reports kids to police for playing
A curmudgeon reported kids playing outside to the Kalispell Police Department because they were running around in front of his house and being loud, disrupting him.
A man told dispatchers to “send the cops over right away” to patrol traffic because “all kinds of vehicles with no mufflers” reportedly kept speeding through the area.
A man alleged a verbal argument over financial issues became physical when his brother put him in a headlock and threw him around the house and his wife made threats to harm herself and an infant. The brother and wife then reportedly left with the infant in a vehicle that didn’t have a car seat.
A homeowner flagged down an officer and requested extra patrol at a location under renovation because someone was allegedly scoping out materials in the yard, a stack of lumber in particular.
Partygoers were purportedly throwing things off a balcony, dealing drugs and being loud. Officers advised the residents of the complaint and they said they would keep it down.
A restaurant employee requested officers check on a man’s welfare who was by the dumpster, worried he might be overdosing on drugs but saw his eyes were open and his chest was rising and falling. The man told police he had a rough night, did not need medical attention and would move along.
A pink wallet with green cactus on it was lost in a parking lot.
A man was issued a citation for disorderly conduct after he was reportedly on a corner yelling and swearing at everyone.
Someone’s “dream catcher swing” was allegedly cut down and stolen from their property and they had video surveillance of the incident.
Someone using a voice changer called grocery store employees, saying to one woman, they were her pimp and called her an expletive in addition to other peculiar comments. Staff suspected it was either an ex-employee or an ex-boyfriend making the calls.
A man took a seat at a bar where he wasn’t welcome.