Friday, December 13, 2024

Legals for October, 8 2021

| October 8, 2021 12:00 AM

No. 28092 Michael A.Ferrington Attorney At Law 100 Second Street East Whitefish,MT 59937 (406)863-4824/fax406-863-4809 Attorney for Plaintiff MONTANA ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, FLATHEAD COUNTY PTARMIGAN OWNER'S ASSOCIATION,Inc.,) a Montana Corporation, Plaintiff, VS- COLLEEN SULLIVAN,DOES 1-20 Defendants. CAUSE NO. DV-21-528C JUDGE HEIDI J ULBRICHT SUMMONS FOR SERVICE BY PUBLICATION TO:COLLEEN SULLIVAN, THE STATE OF MONTANA sends greetings to the above named Defendants and to each of them: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer Plaintiffs Complaint and First Amended Complaint on file in this action,which is filed in the office of the Clerk of Court ,a copy of which is herewith served upon one of you in each County wherein any of you reside, and to file your answer and serve a copy thereof upon the Plaintiff Attorney within 21 days after service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you, by default,for the relief demanded in the Complaint: Plaintiff seeks to enforce its claim of lien for unpaid sums and assessments, monetary damages,foreclosure and other relief within the complaint on File.The real property subject to foreclosure is described as 52 Juniper Way, Ptarmigan Village, Whitefish, MT. WITNESS MY HAND AND THE SEAL OF SAID COURT THIS 17th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2021. /s/ Michael A.Ferrington Michael A.Ferrington Attorney At Law 100 Second Street East Whitefish,MT 59937 (406)863-4824 Attorney for Plaintiff PEG L. ALLISON CLERK OF COURT /s/ JENNIFER MCFARREN DEPUTY CLERK OF COURT October 1, 8, 15, 2021 MNAXLP __________________________

No. 28109 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR NEW WELLHOUSE AND MAINLINE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT The Flathead County Water District No.1 - Evergreen (The District), Flathead County, Montana is requesting sealed qualifications packages from qualified firms, teams, or consultants interested in providing professional engineering services to the District for development and preparation of construction drawings and specifications, bidding assistance, engineering design, and other services during design and construction of a New Wellhouse, Mainline Connection, and Property Design and Construction Project. The District invites qualified consultants to submit a qualification package based upon the scope of the work contained within this Request for Qualifications (RFQ). The District shall not be held responsible for any oral instructions. Changes to this RFQ will be advertised or can be found on the District's website: This document is intended to provide interested consultants with sufficient information to prepare and submit a statement of qualifications (SOQ) for consideration by the District. The District reserves the right to reject any or all SOQs, to waive any informality or irregularity in any SOQ received, and to be the sole judge of the merits of the respective SOQs received. The Service Provider will be selected on the basis of demonstrated competence and qualifications for the type of services required and thereafter the District will negotiate the services agreement with what it deems to be the most qualified company. PROJECT DESCRIPTION and SCOPE OF WORK Drinking water for the Flathead County Water District #1 - Evergreen is supplied by 11 existing wells completed in the deep artesian aquifer of the Flathead Valley. The oldest of those existing wells, the Shop Well at the District Office site, is reaching the end of its useful life. In anticipation of the eventual termination of use of the Shop Well, the District has recently purchased a tract of land on which two new wells are to be drilled. The new well site is located on the south side of West Reserve Drive just west of the Whitefish River bridge, and immediately downslope of the District's water storage tank site. The existing 14-inch diameter AC water transmission main that connects the storage tank to the District's low zone water distribution system runs across the north edge of the new well site. The District has applied for funds from the ARPA program to pay for a portion of the project. The project consists of drilling two new wells, each with an anticipated yield of 750 gpm, constructing a new well house, piping to connect the new wells to the existing transmission main, site improvements including driveway approach, parking, fencing, other security features, connection of the new supply facilities to the District's existing water supply SCADA system, landscaping, and drainage improvements. The District is seeking an engineering firm for design, permitting, bid and construction services for constructing a new well house and other project improvements. The anticipated project schedule consists of two distinct designs, bid and construction phases. Phase 1 involves design and construction of the new wells, including obtaining MT DEQ approval to locate and drill two new wells on the new well site tract, preparation of plans, specifications, bid documents, and permitting as necessary, construction services, and coordination with the District's hydrogeologist/water rights consultant, test- pumping the new wells for both water rights purposes, and determining the actual capacity of the new wells as necessary for Phase 2 design. Phase I will be completed in advance of Phase II. Certain Phase I work tasks are part of the services covered by this Request for Proposals. Phase 2 involves design & construction of the new well house and associated site improvements, obtaining MT DEQ approval of project plans, preparation of plans, specifications, bid documents, and permitting as necessary, construction, administration, inspection, and project closeout services. Scope of Work will be finalized during negotiations, key tasks include: Coordination with the District's hydrogeologist/water rights consultant in Phase 1 to determine the actual capacity of the new wells as necessary for Phase 2 design. Agency coordination assistance. For both Phases 1 & 2, the consultant will aid the District in complying with agency funding requirements including preparing District reimbursement requests, progress reporting, monitoring contractor reporting of prevailing wage compliance, and other tasks as required. The project is funded in part with ARPA funds in addition to local funds. Phase 2 design of the new well house, pumping equipment, piping, electrical, controls and other site improvements in accordance with Circular DEQ 1, and other applicable standards and regulations, and preparation of plans and specifications. Phase 2 permitting including DEQ Plan review and approval, others as required. Phase 2 bid assistance, including preparation of bid documents, holding pre-bid meeting, and keeping minutes, addenda preparation and delivery, responding to bidder questions as needed, conducting bid opening, tabulation and analysis of bids received, recommendation of award, preparation of notice of award, contract and notice to proceed. Phase 2 construction assistance including construction administration and inspections, review of monthly Contractor pay requests, weekly progress reports to the District, attendance at District Board meetings as required. Project closeout including required certifications and preparation of Record Drawing and Operation and Maintenance Manuals. Additional tasks may be added to the work during negotiations or by contract amendment. Project Deliverables It is anticipated that the project will consist of, but limited to, construction drawings and specifications, record drawings, integration, and other related content, materials, and activities. Further deliverables may be negotiated with consultant's scope. Submittal Format and RFQ Content Five hard copies and one searchable digital copy of the SOQ must be submitted by 3 pm (Local Time) October 29, 2021, to: Flathead County Water District No.1 - Evergreen Attn: Assistant General Manager 130 Nicholson Drive Kalispell, Montana 59901 Responses will be received no later than 3:00 pm (Local Time) on October 29, 2021, in a sealed envelope clearly marked on the outside "Water Wells, Wellhouse, and Construction Project". Legibility, clarity, and completeness is essential. The SOQ must be organized in accordance with this section. Brevity is appreciated by the District's staff and Board Members reviewing the SOQs. The SOQ may not exceed the page limits described below and font size shall be 11 point or larger. Covers, dividers, and a table of contents are not included in the page count. Key personnel resumes shall be included in Appendix A as outlined below and not included in the page count. When using double sided printing, each side of a page is counted as one page. A SOQ exceeding the specified number of pages may be considered non-responsive, and the SOQ may not be considered. The SOQs shall contain the following information at a minimum: The firm's legal name, address, and telephone number; The experience and qualifications of the staff to be assigned to the work; A description of the firm's prior experience working in the Flathead Region as well as experience with similar projects including the name of the local official knowledgeable regarding the firm's performance (references); A Description of the firm's project team's current work activities and how these would be coordinated with the project, as well as the firm's anticipated availability and local presence and inspection during the term of the project; The firm's preliminary work plan with each team member's responsibility. To provide for a degree of consistency in review of the SOQs, firms are requested to prepare their SOQs in the standard format and points given below. Introductory letter (Not to exceed one page, 0 points) If desired an introductory letter can be provided and limited to one page and will not be scored. Qualifications of the Professional Personnel Assigned to the Project (Not to exceed 5 pages, 25 points) Provide an overview of the consultant team highlighting their experience, qualifications, and technical capabilities the are relevant to the project. Briefly describe the consultant's team key personnel's experience, qualifications, and role on this project. Resumes for the key staff shall be provided in Appendix A but will be scored within this section. Provide an organizational chart of the proposed project team. Indicate the number of projects that will be managed by the project manager and under by the lead engineer during the time they will be assigned to this project. Previous Project Experience and Project Examples (Not to exceed 5 pages, 25 points) Provide descriptions of the projects delivered by the project team. Projects reference shall be similar scope and magnitude to this project. Previous Experience in the Flathead Valley and Proximity to Evergreen (Not to exceed 2 pages, 15 points) Provide information regarding past experience working with the District Present and projected Workloads with Capability to meet Time and Budget Requirements (Not to exceed 1 page, 30 points) Provide a discussion regarding the anticipated workload for the Project Manager and Lead Engineer during the time frame this project will occur (Month, Day, Year - Month, Day, Year). Provide a brief description of the tools and processes used to manage the project and budget. Work Plan (Not to exceed 1 page, 5 points) Provided work plan with proposed work and team management Appendix A: Key Staff Resumes (No page limit, 0 points - Points awarded in above scoring above) Provide 1- page resumes for the consultant's team Key Staff General Information The District may select one or more firms submitting SOQs as finalist. Finalist may be interviewed to further establish qualifications. One firm will be selected to submit a formal scope of services and fee for the work and to negotiate a contract with the District. If an appropriate agreement cannot be reached with the highest ranked firm, the second ranked firm may be invited to submit a scope and fee proposal and negotiate a contract with the District, and so on. The District reserves the right to reject any or all SOQs and re-advertise, to waive any irregularities in the SOQ, and to accept the SOQ that best benefits the District. The District reserves the right to negotiate an agreement based on fair and reasonable compensation for the scope of work and services proposed as well as the right to reject any and all responses deemed unqualified, unsatisfactory, or inappropriate. All SOQs received become property of the District. The District is not responsible for any cost associated with preparing SOQs in response to the RFK. Questions should be directed to Rob Collier, Assistant General Manager Flathead County Water District No.1 - Evergreen, 130 Nicholson Drive, Kalispell, MT 59901, 406-257-5861, or Except for the advertising dates and advertised due date, the District reserves the right to modify the timeline without notice to respondents. Legal Ad: Daily Interlake Publication dates October 8, 2021, and October 15, 2021 Also, District Website Notice beginning October 5, 2021 October 8, 15, 2021 MNAXLP _________________________

No. 28108 FLATHEAD MUNICIPAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE The regular meeting of the Flathead Municipal Airport Authority Board will be held at 4 P.M. on Tuesday, October 12, 2021, at Country Inn & Suites, 4150 Highway 2 E., Kalispell, MT, preceded by a Construction Walk Through at 3:15 P.M. at the terminal. October 8, 2021 MNAXLP __________________________

No. 28104 MERIDIAN MINI STORAGE AUCTION The following units will be auctioned off on October 16th, 2021 at 1073 WHITEFISH STAGE RD AT 12 NOON JESSICA OGREN, BRYCE BERTRAM -------------------------------------------- The following units will be auctioned off at 157 N MERIDIAN RD, STE 109 immediately following the auction at 1073 WHITEFISH STAGE RD. GEOFF SMITH, SANDY CONNOR, ROBERT FULCHER, BRYAN KESSLER, TRACY GILLUM, KATINA HARDROVE, COLIN TIMM, KAYE FULCHER, RACHEL LEAVITT, DENNIS PALMATIER, DILLON HICKS, CELINA PURVIS, CURTIS DAMPHIER Oct. 8, 10, 13, 2021 MNAXLP -------------------------------------------