Friday, December 13, 2024

Legals for April, 5 2022

| April 5, 2022 12:00 AM

No. 28507 INVITATION TO BID CITY OF WHITEFISH SPOKANE AVENUE WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT Notice is hereby given that electronic bids or separate sealed bids for construction of the Spokane Avenue Water Main Replacement Project will be received by the City of Whitefish at 418 E 2nd Street, Whitefish, MT 59937 until 11:00 AM local time on Thursday, April 14th, 2022 and then publicly opened and read aloud. All General Contractors who intend to submit bids for this project must have already submitted a completed Pre-Qualification package prior to the March 25th, 2022 deadline, as previously advertised. The project generally consists of municipal water system improvements along Spokane Avenue (Hwy 93) from 2nd Street to 13th Street in Whitefish, MT. Approximately 3,600 LF of 18" C900 PVC water main is to be installed under Spokane Avenue replacing existing water mains. The new main will tie-in to the existing water distribution system in several locations. Existing residential and commercial water services will be reconnected to the new water main. Sidewalks and curb will be removed and replaced at several intersections to meet current ADA requirements. Multiple fire hydrants will also be replaced. Horizontal directional drilling will be required for some water service connections. Services of a licensed arborist will be required to mitigate damage to existing trees along the project corridor. The Owner has purchased and will furnish the materials listed in the project documents. These materials will be made available to the Contractor at the Owner's laydown yard. The Contractor will be responsible for purchasing, furnishing and installing all components not listed in the project documents as necessary for project completion. Complete electronic Project Plans, Project Specifications, Bid Proposal Packet and are available at the Morrison-Maierle, Inc. website "" by hovering over the "CONTACT US" tab, then click "PROJECTS BIDDING", then click "View our current projects bidding page" and selecting this project from the project list which will direct you to the QuestCDN website. Documents can only be viewed and cannot be downloaded or printed without purchasing. To purchase and download the project documents in pdf format, click "Download Project PDF" and sign on to Plan documents and the Bid Proposal Packet can be downloaded for a fee of $40. Please contact QuestCDN at 952-233-1632 or email "" ' for assistance in the free membership registration, downloading documents, and working with this digital project information. Hard copies of the Project Plans and Specifications are not available for purchase. Prior to bidding on the project, all contractors and subcontractors doing work on this project will be required to obtain a Contractor's Registration with the Montana Department of Labor and Industry. Each bid or proposal must be accompanied by a Certified Check, Cashier's Check, or Bid Bond payable to the City of Whitefish, in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the bid. Successful BIDDERS shall furnish an approved Construction Performance Bond and a Construction (Labor and Materials) Payment Bond, each in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount. Insurance as required shall be provided by the successful BIDDER(s) and a certificate(s) of that insurance shall be provided. Additional MDT bonding requirements will be required of the successful bidder as discussed in the project documents. A bid may not be withdrawn after the scheduled time for the public opening of the Bids specified above. The right is reserved to reject any or all Proposals received, to waive informalities, to postpone the award of the contract for a period of not to exceed sixty (60) days, and to accept the lowest responsive and responsible bid which is in the best interest of the City of Whitefish. April 5, 2022 MNAXLP __________________________

No. 28430 Montana Eleventh Judicial District Court Flathead County In the Matter of the Name Change of Maria Samila Bruno: Maria Samila Bruno, Petitioner Cause No.:DV-22-237 AMY EDDY Notice of Hearing on Name Change This is notice that Petitioner has asked the District Court for a change of name from Maria Samila Bruno to Samila Maria Bruno. The hearing will be on 04/19/2022 at 8:30 a.m. The hearing will be at the Courthouse in Flathead County. Date:03/10/2022 PEG L. ALLISON Clerk of District Court BY: /s/ PRISHA QUESADA Deputy Clerk of Court March 15, 22, 29, April 5, 2022 MNAXLP __________________________

No. 28457 Montana Eleventh Judicial District Court Flathead County In the Matter of the Name Change of Jessica Karminski: Jessica Karminski, Petitioner Cause No.:DV-22-248 HEIDI J ULBRICHT Notice of Hearing on Name Change This is notice that Petitioner has asked the District Court for a change of name from Jessica Ann Karminski to Jessica Ann Benninghoven. The hearing will be on 05/04/2022 at 1:30 p.m. The hearing will be at the Courthouse in Flathead County. Date:03/11/2022 PEG L. ALLISON Clerk of District Court BY: /s/ PRISHA QUESADA Deputy Clerk of Court March 22, 29, April 5, 12, 2022 MNAXLP _________________________

No. 28479 Montana Eleventh Judicial District Court Flathead County In the Matter of the Name Change of Toni L. Chaffin: Toni L. Chaffin, Petitioner Cause No.:DV-22-304C HEIDI J ULBRICHT Notice of Hearing on Name Change This is notice that Petitioner has asked the District Court for a change of name from Toni Lee Chaffin to Toni Lee Nichols. The hearing will be on May 18, 2022 at 1:30 p.m. The hearing will be at the Courthouse in Flathead County. Date:March 23, 2022 PEG L. ALLISON Clerk of District Court March 29, April 5, 12, 19, 2022 MNAXLP _________________________

No. 28458 On Tuesday, April 5, 2022 at 11:30 AM, a Public Hearing will be held via Zoom, for the purpose of receiving comments on the draft Department of Public Health and Human Services "2022 DOE State Plan Application". The link to the Zoom webinar is Draft copies of the proposed application will be available at the Department of Public Health and Human Services, Intergovernmental Human Services Bureau, 1400 Carter Drive, P.O. Box 202956, Helena, MT 59620-2956 on Friday, March 25, 2022 or by calling 1-833-317-1080. Written comments must be received by 5:00 PM, Tuesday, April 5, 2022. March 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, April 1, 3, 4, 5, 2022 MNAXLP _________________________

No. 28505 NOTICE OF ELECTION CANCELLATION Notice is hereby given that because the number of candidates for the position(s) in the Flathead/Glacier High School District on the Flathead Valley Community College Board of Trustees, District No. 7 is equal to the number of position(s) to be elected, and no "intent to be a write-in candidate(s)" was received by the date required in Section 13-10-211, MCA there is no other reason for the election. The Board of Trustees of the Flathead Valley Community College, at a meeting held on March 31, 2022, cancelled the regular School Trustees Election in the Flathead/Glacier High School District that was to be held on May 3, 2022. /s/ Peter Akey 3/31/22 Peter Akey Date Chair, FVCC Board of Trustees /s/ Suzanne DeCamp 3/31/22 Suzanne DeCamp Date Clerk of the District April 5, 2022 MNAXLP __________________________

No. 28462 Montana Eleventh Judicial District Court Flathead County In the Matter of the Name Change of June Julie Baurley: June Julie Baurley, Petitioner Cause No.:DV-22-124A AMY EDDY Notice of Hearing on Name Change This is notice that Petitioner has asked the District Court for a change of name from June Julie Baurley to Juliet Junejuly Jones. The hearing will be on 04/19/2022 at 8:30 a.m. The hearing will be at the Courthouse in Flathead County. Date: March 9, 2022 PEG L. ALLISON Clerk of District Court BY: /s/ Rachael Mitchell Deputy Clerk of Court March 22, 29, April 5, 12, 2022 MNAXLP __________________________

No. 28454 MONTANA WATER COURT NOTICE OF ENTRY OF INTERLOCUTORY DECREE AND NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY ST. MARY RIVER (BASIN 40T) ALL WATER USERS NEED TO READ THIS NOTICE The Montana Water Court has entered its Interlocutory Decree for Basin 40T and the Decree is now available for your review. The Decree and the forms are available at these locations: * Montana Water Court: 1123 Research Drive Bozeman, MT 59718; 406-586-4364 Montana DNRC, Water Rights Adjudication Office: 910 Helena Avenue, Helena, MT 59620; 406-444-0560 Montana DNRC, Water Resources Regional Office: 210 Sixth Ave., Havre, MT 59501; 406-265-5516 Montana Water Court website: Montana DNRC website: OBJECTIONS All objections must be filed on the forms provided by the Water Court and must be received at the Water Court by September 13, 2022. Objections can be filed electronically at or sent to Montana Water Court, PO Box 1389, Bozeman, MT 59771. EXTENSIONS The Water Court may grant a request for an extension of the time for filing objections. A request for an extension must be received by the Water Court on or before September 13, 2022. If an extension is granted, it will apply to everyone. Any extension will be posted at the offices listed above and will be advertised once in this newspaper. RIGHT TO APPEAL If you do not participate in Water Court proceedings, your right to appeal an adverse decision is limited by Section 85-2-235, MCA. If changes were made to your abstract, you may challenge those changes by filing an objection. You may also address DNRC issue remarks by an objection. If there are changes and/or issue remarks on your abstract which are not resolved by an objection, these will be addressed and resolved by the Water Court. MEETINGS Informal public meeting will be held by telephone conference call on Wednesday, June 1, 2022 at 12:00 pm. To take part in the call, dial (406) 318-5487, at the prompt enter conference ID: 173 955 264# March 22, 29, April 5, 2022 MNAXLP __________________________