Letters to the editor Aug. 28
Negatives of solar and wind
On Aug. 19 at the Pachyderm meeting, Dr. Annie Bukacek running for the PSC 5 dispelled the media mythology that has deceived many into believing the simple “power vs ecosystem” equation: fossil fuels = bad; solar and wind = good. It’s not quite that simple, as all forms of power production create problems with the ecosystem.
Dr. Bukacek’s PowerPoint presentation included photos of dumpsters and landfills full of solar panels and wind turbine blades that have to be replaced at least every 15 to 20 years.
The batteries that theoretically can provide a level of baseload electricity from solar have to be replaced as well. And, wherever they are dumped, they and all the solar panels leak toxic waste. Why are we not being told the negative impacts of solar and wind? Qui bono?
Dr. Annie Bukacek is committed to making Montana Citizens the No. 1 most important special interest group.
— Scotia Brosnan, Kalispell
Climate crisis
Anyone on the planet who is awake has got to see the climate threat that we all face.
Lake Mead should be the clarion call that marshals all of us to step forward to protect our very existence. So far we are blessed in Montana, but Flathead Lake is low as are the river and streams in Glacier Park.
In the last few days more fires are breaking out, gardens are thirsty, lawns are getting brown, and Europe is experiencing the same climate crisis that we are. At the same time, the Amazon Rain Forest is being destroyed, the Arctic is melting, killer storms and flooding are frequent, yet we are still not facing the growing danger.
Thank goodness President Biden has signed legislation that dedicates funds to fight climate change. But that is only the beginning. We have got to conserve, to make sure that we don’t lose wild life or starve our trees. We all know what has to be done to conserve water, our planet, and all life that makes human existence possible. Without trees we humans will be unable to breathe. Without wild life, farms, and agriculture, we will starve along other life forms.
Don’t you get it? We must conserve water and planetary life in order to have a home in the universe. I ask you to sit down for a few minute and simply imagine what life would be like with the support of Mother Nature.
Then turn off your faucet.
— Ina Albert, Whitefish
Love my home
Summer in Montana is a precious time, even for those in nursing homes. Here at Heritage Place we have a huge enclosed courtyard that all can access. There are gardens, tomatoes in pots, beautiful giant evergreen trees and shrubs all around the enclosed walls. The residents planted in the spring pots of flowers and strawberries. There is a large shelter from the sun with benches all around. Folks go outside all times of day for fresh air and a breath of nature.
I love my home at Heritage. It is a good place to live out ones days with friendships among the residents and caring staff. If you are looking for a place for a loved one I recommend Heritage Place. They have also done a terrific job protecting us from covid. If any of you are looking for a job as a nurse or CNA, this is a great place to apply. Employees are even given classes here to become licensed CNA’S. Working here is holy work helping the elderly. It is deeper and more meaningful work than flipping hambergers!
Our activity director plans many activities for us. We even have a permanent regular ecumenical church where it is nondenominational and everyone is welcome and feels comfortable. Many residents have gone to church all their lives and appreciate that in their lives here. The most popular activity is bingo.
Thank you Heritage. We are grateful you hold our lives.
— Judith Schenck, Kalispell
Freedom lost
Individual freedom is not lost in great swaths. It is eroded gradually through the generations. Forfeited by the ignorant and the fearful. Taken by the greedy and the ruthless. America’s liberty bell did not tarnish overnight. Or lose its ring in the din of progress. Incrementally and relentlessly our Bill of Rights has been bled weak by a thousand cuts. Because of our freedom and prosperity we have allowed complacency and contentment to weaken our vigilance for truth, justice and the American Way. Once again, the many suffer at the hands of the few.
Our freedom has been lost to the “isms” – socialism, communism, crony-capitalism, totalitarianism. These ideologies have patiently and clandestinely undermined the foundations of American freedom. They have assaulted and broken the sanctity and sacredness of the nuclear family. They have permeated and contaminated the educational system. They have propagandized the airways and exalted the counter-culture. They have abandoned the borders, surrendering the sovereignty of our nation and the essence of our citizenship. They have sold our main-street prosperity and self-sustainability down the Yangtze River. They have enabled the money-changers to debase our currency, while increasing the wealth of the wealthy and impoverishing unborn generations. They have politicized, corrupted and weaponized the very institutions established to safeguard our hard-won freedoms. They have lulled us into a false sense of security with their double speak and lies. They steal the fruits of our labor to subsidize the shackles we have allowed them to place on us. They have subverted our self-reliance because we the people are content to let others do what we should do ourselves. They take our daily bread because we no longer honor and glorify the God that made us. We have become victims of our own venality and apathy. We have lost our salt and are being trampled underfoot by the depraved and the soulless. Because we have taken our freedoms for granted, they are being taken from us by those who thrive on deceit and treachery. We have been voting for the lesser of two evils for so long that we are now ruled by pure evil. Their insatiable lust for wealth and power enslaves us all. Evil prevails when courage fails.
If we do not soon summon the strength and resolve to rekindle the Spirit of 1776, then the land of the free and the home of the brave will cease to be.
— Richard Grozik, Kalispell
Windfall Elimination Provision
I am a retired federal employee writing to raise awareness of the devastating effects of the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) experienced by nearly 2 million people. This policy reduces the earned Social Security benefits of local, state and federal retirees who worked in Social Security-covered private-sector employment, and who also earned an annuity from their non-Social Security covered government employment. The WEP can result in a monthly Social Security benefit that is $512 lower than deserved, causing undue financial distress
Why should we be penalized for working hard for our country?
Additionally, spouses are feeling the burden of the Government Pension Offset (GPO), a similar penalty, which prevents them from collecting the Social Security benefits their spouses earned from private-sector jobs due to their public service. The GPO affects 723,970 beneficiaries, 48 percent of which are widows or widowers, and 52 percent of whom are spouses.
We rightfully earned these benefits in exchange for our dedication and hard work to the nation, and, as such, I am inviting other retirees affected by the WEP and GPO to join me in calling on Congress to repeal these unfair provisions. Furthermore,
I am writing to urge lawmakers to support H.R. 82/S. 1302. It’s past time to stop punishing us for our public service and allow for us to collect what we rightfully earned.
— Vicki Walbruch, Kalispell
She is one of us
It’s time to send another woman to Congress. The last time Montana had a woman in congress was 1940, Janet Rankin’s second term.
Meet Monica Tranel and you will know that it is time to send another woman to Congress. Monica grew up in eastern Montana, one of 10 in a large Catholic family. She’s familiar with hard work and the economic struggles of Montana families. She is smart and strong. She is one of us.
Monica is a lawyer practicing water law in eastern Montana, working to help ranchers and farmers in our changing climate. She will never be a corporate lap-dog, take taxpayer money to go on family vacations, or be the subject of corruption investigations.
She has a plan to help working class Montana families deal with the growing economic inequalities that exist in the Western district of Montana where she is running.
She’s easy to meet. She is traveling all over the western district. Go to her website to see where she’ll be. Once you meet her you will vote for her.
This congressional seat gives Montana a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to increase our representation in Washington D.C. Who we elect has the opportunity to fight for a Montana that will restore a strong middle class, with economic security for all.
Monica Tranel will represent middle class Montana. Let’s send a woman to congress. A Montana woman!
— Steve Martinez, Kalispell