Thursday, March 13, 2025

Letters to the editor Dec. 26

| December 26, 2022 12:00 AM

Impressive debates

If ever you need your faith restored in our youth, please attend a speech and debate tournament. I have judged two tournaments this year, and each time I have been impressed with kids’ dedication, behavior, interactions and gratitude.

They support their fellow competitors, they interact with each other during breaks (nary a phone in sight), thank the judges, and cheer for their dedicated coaches.

Thank you, area high schools (this includes administration, teachers and custodial staff), for the hard work and time you put into our youth so we, the general public, can see what these kids are made of.

— Gretchen Brown

Blowing in the wind

It was encouraging to read the recent story about offshore wind energy becoming a reality. These would be floating windmills, the first attempt in the U.S. These have a lot of potential for providing clean energy to big coastal cities.

Before I saw the story in this paper, I saw it in the Economist and I spent a few minutes looking at the map they provided. There are indeed dark blue blotches showing intense winds off the California coast. But there are also dark blue blotches in the Chinook zone of northern Montana. I suspect it is far less expensive to put windmills on the prairie than in the ocean. I can think of at least one large coastal city that is closer to our wind than the California offshore patch.

What do you say, Montana? Let’s plan for a new energy future where Montana is a key player. We will need permitting reform to get new transmission lines, and a plan make sure the benefits come to Montanans. Wouldn’t hurt to call our congressional delegation and ask for this.

— Laura Reynolds, Kalispell

Water compact objections

“The Republican is the only form of government which is not eternally at open or secret war with the rights of mankind.” Thomas Jefferson

The Water Court has granted a 60-day extension for filing an objection to the overreach of the CSKT Compact. The final filing date for the extension is Feb. 9.

Having access to water on your land should not be sold to the highest bidder as both parties have been complicit with a sleight of hand while robbing the people of Montana of their basic right to water on their land as if we’re chattel.

In addition to the Montana Water Court site, more information, including details on the objection process, the background of the compact, and current status of efforts, can be found online.

The CSKT Compact violates the U.S. Constitution as well as the Montana Constitution. We cannot count on politicians to rectify the wrong in light of Sens. Jon Tester and Steve Daines, former Gov. Steve Bullock and Gov. Greg Gianforte all played a role in the largesse government overreach.

Please file your objections to the Water Court by Feb. 9.

— Scotia Brosnan, Kalispell