Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Legals for February, 2 2022

| February 2, 2022 12:00 AM

No. 28301 PUBLIC NOTICE Notice to Water Users (Pursuant to Section 85-2-307, MCA) The following application has been submitted to appropriate water in the State of Montana. THE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION PROPOSES TO GRANT AN APPLICATION FOR BENEFICIAL WATER USE PERMIT. DESCRIBED BELOW ARE THE PERTINENT FACTS WHICH SUMMARIZE THE APPLICATION. THE PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION (PD) DOCUMENTING THE FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND ANY CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO THE WATER RIGHT ARE AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET AT OBJECTION DEADLINE: MARCH 18, 2022. THE DEPARTMENT CAN ONLY ACCEPT OBJECTIONS FILED ON AN OBJECTION TO APPLICATION, FORM 611. MAIL THE COMPLETED FORM AND THE $25.00 FILING FEE TO THE DNRC, PO BOX 201601, HELENA, MT 59620-1601 BY THE DEADLINE SPECIFIED. THE FORM IS AVAILABLE ON THE DEPARTMENT'S WEBSITE. DIRECT ANY QUESTIONS PERTAINING TO THE APPLICATION, TO OBTAIN THE PD OR OBJECTION FORM TO THE WATER RESOURCES OFFICE AT 655 TIMBERWOLF PARKWAY, SUITE 4, KALISPELL, MT 59901-2387, PHONE: 406-752-2288, FAX: 406-752-2843. IF ISSUED, THE RIGHT WILL BE SUBJECT TO PRIOR EXISTING WATER RIGHTS. Application Number: 76LJ 30152908 Owners: ALICE S ALKOSSER 525 HARBOR ISLAND DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 7225 DAVID ALKOSSER 525 HARBOR ISLAND DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 7225 Priority Date: JULY 22, 2021 at 03:21 P.M. Purpose (Use): DOMESTIC IRRIGATION LAWN AND GARDEN Maximum Flow Rate: 23.90 GPM Maximum Volume: 5.67 AC-FT Maximum Acres: 1.90 Source Name: FLATHEAD RIVER (FLATHEAD LAKE) Source Type: SURFACE WATER Point of Diversion and Means of Diversion: ID 1; Qtr Sec: NWNWNE; Sec 29; Twp 25N; Rge 20W; County LAKE Period of Diversion: JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31 Diversion Means: PUMP Purpose (Use): DOMESTIC Households: 1 Volume: 1.00 AC-FT Period of Use: JANUARY 1 to DECEMBER 31 Place of Use: ID 1; Qtr Sec: NENWNE; Sec 29; Twp 25N; Rge 20W; County LAKE Purpose (Use): IRRIGATION Volume: 2.85 AC-FT Period of Use: APRIL 15 to OCTOBER 15 Place of Use: ID 1; Acres: 1.16; Qtr Sec: NENWNE; Sec 29; Twp 25N; Rge 20W; County LAKE Total: 1.16 Purpose (Use): LAWN AND GARDEN Volume: 1.82 AC-FT Period of Use: APRIL 15 to OCTOBER 15 Place of Use: Twp 25N; Rge 20W; County LAKE ID 1; Acres: 0.17; Qtr Sec: SESWSE; Sec 20 ID 2; Acres: 0.57; Qtr Sec: NENWNE; Sec 29 Remarks: PUBLISHED IN: DAILY INTER LAKE ON FEBRUARY 2, 2022. February 2, 2022 MNAXLP _________________________

No. 28317 CALL FOR BID NEW 2-ton Service Truck with Passenger Side Crane Notice is hereby given that the Solid Waste District Board will receive bids for the purchase of ONE (1) NEW 2-ton Service Truck with Passenger Side Crane for the Flathead County Solid Waste District. A copy of the NEW 2-ton Service Truck with Passenger Side Crane specifications along with instructions to bidders, and contract documents for this equipment are available from Flathead County Solid Waste District, 4098 Highway 93 N, Kalispell, MT 59901. If a bidder has any questions, they can contact the Director David Prunty at (406) 758-5912. Each bidder must deposit with his bid, a bid security in the amount of ten percent (10%) of his bid to secure the bidder's express covenant that if the bidder is awarded the contract, the bidder will, within ten (10) days, enter into a formal contract for the purchase and sale of said NEW 2-ton Service Truck with Passenger Side Crane Bid security shall be payable to Flathead County and shall be in the form of lawful money of the United States; a cashier's check, certified check, bank money order, or bank draft issued by a Montana bank, or bid bond executed by a surety corporation authorized to do business in Montana. Where bids and quality of product are comparable, preferences will be given to equipment of Montana production and to Montana resident bidders over non-residents, if an appropriate affidavit under Section 18-1-113, M.C.A., accompanies the bid. The bidder shall include with the bid a contract form to be executed by the parties. The District reserves the right to negotiate the terms of said proposed contract (excluding prices contained therein) and to consider the terms of said proposed contract in determining the award of bid. All sealed bids, plainly marked "SEALED BID - ONE NEW 2-ton Service Truck with Passenger Side Crane" must be in the hands of the Flathead County Solid Waste District, 4098 Hwy 93 N., Kalispell, Montana 59901, on or before 1:00 p.m., on February 18, 2022. Bids will be opened and read shortly thereafter on February 18, 2022 in the Solid Waste District Office, 4098 Hwy 93 N., Kalispell, Montana. The award of bid will be made solely by the issuance of a letter of award to the successful bidder by the Office of the Flathead County Solid Waste District. The Solid Waste District reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to waive any irregularities, which are deemed to be in the best interest of the County. Dated this January 28, 2022 FLATHEAD COUNTY SOLID WASTE DISTRICT BY: /S/ David R. Prunty, Director ATTEST: Deborah Morine February 2, 9, 2022 MNAXLP __________________________

No. 28315 TERMINAL SANITARY SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS AIP NO. 3-30-0046-055-2019 GLACIER PARK INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT KALISPELL, MONTANA Sealed bids for AIP No. 3-30-0046-055-2019, Terminal Sanitary System Improvements, at Glacier Park International Airport, Kalispell, Montana, will be received by the Flathead Municipal Airport Authority, 4170 Highway 2 East, Kalispell, Montana 59901, until 10:00 a.m., local time, on March 8, 2022, and then opened, read aloud and canvassed. Glacier Park International Airport (GPIA) is soliciting a base bid and several bid alternates that will be selected by GPIA as outlined in these documents. The work involved includes construction of a new wastewater pumping system, conveyance pipelines, truck filling station and lavatory waste facility. Wastewater will be conveyed to an existing permitted wastewater treatment facility. The majority of the pipelines will be trenched and backfilled; however, there will be directionally drilled sections of pipe under wetlands and stream channels. A complete set of Plans and Bidding Requirements and Contract Documents may be obtained on or after February 7, 2022 on The project will be discussed in person to interested bidders at 1:30 p.m., local time on February 15, 2022 at 4170 Highway 2 East, Kalispell, Montana 59901. If an interested bidder would like to discuss the project via teams at the same time, please email for meeting access. Each bid must be accompanied by a Certified Check or Cashier's Check in the amount of not less than five percent (5%) of the total bid, made payable to the Flathead Municipal Airport Authority, or by Bid Bond in like amount executed by a Surety Company. All bidders are advised that the right is reserved by the Sponsor to waive any informality in, or to reject any or all bids. Any questions must be submitted to Jodie Binger, Jacobs, via email to Questions are due by 10:00 a.m., March 1, 2022. Questions received after this time will not be accepted. February 2, 9, 16, 2022 MNAXLP __________________________

No. 28304 Libby School District #4 of Libby, Montana, will receive general contractor qualifications submittals for pre-construction and construction services for the Central Kitchen Relocation and Renovation. Sealed qualifications will be received at the Libby School District #4 Central Administration Building C/O Ellen Mills at 724 Louisiana Avenue, Libby, MT 59923 until 2:00 p.m. on Friday, February 4, 2022. The outside of the envelope shall be clearly marked: "Libby School District Central Kitchen Relocation and Renovation Construction Services RFQ". A walkthrough of the intended site is currently scheduled for February 2 at 2:00 PM. This may be revised depending on staff availability. It is intended that the District, Design Firm, and interested Prime Contractors will attend this walkthrough together. The full RFQ document, preliminary drawings, and narrative of the project scope are available from Ellen at the Libby School District by email upon request. This Pre-Bid conference is not mandatory; however, it will be an opportunity for introductions, a summary of the project, a brief question and answer session, and reviewing the sites. The project generally consists of relocating the Libby School District Central Kitchen from its current location at the Asa Wood Building to the Central Administration Building. It is planned to remodel two (2) classrooms within the existing footprint and complete an extension to the existing building for a new loading dock area and a freezer. Other ancillary work to accommodate the kitchen will be required. The construction services to be provided to the District include realizing maximum life cycle value, construction coordination, utility, and operational savings. The project involves the renovation of 1600 sf of the existing building and 785 sf of new construction. The project needs to be completed by the start of the 2022/23 school year. It is the intent of the District to retain the successful general contractor on a GC/CM General Contractor /Construction Manager contract. Once the construction budget is finalized a Performance Bond and Labor and Materials Payment Bond each in the amount of One Hundred percent (100%) of the Not To Exceed contract amount will be required of the successful Contractor to secure the contractor's covenant to faithfully perform all the conditions of the contract in accordance with the law and that contract. The successful Contractor will also be required to provide current proof of Worker's Compensation insurance and/or an independent contractor certification from the State, and General Liability and Automobile insurance policies, with Libby School District #4 as an additional insured. The Contractor and all subcontractors will be required to have a certificate of registration from the Montana Department of Labor and Industry in the proper classification before bidding on this project. Forms for registration are available from the Department of Labor and Industry, P.O. Box 8011, 1805 Prospect, Helena, Montana 59604-8011. January 26, February 2, 2022 MNAXLP __________________________

No. 28312 Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP) is seeking public comment on a draft environmental assessment on a proposal for the annual release of pen-raised ring-necked pheasants on suitable state lands. Comments are due by 5:00pm on February 28, 2022. It can be viewed on FWP's website: February 2, 6, 2022 MNAXLP __________________________

No. 28316 Evergreen School District #50, located in Kalispell Montana and Morrison-Maierle are soliciting RFQ/RFPs for the commissioning of upgraded HVAC systems in the East Ever green Elementary and Ever green Junior High Schools. The aim of this project is to reduce ill ness and Coronavirus transmis sion by increasing ventilation and adding cooling. Interested firms must have demonstrated experience commissioning HVAC systems in schools and a continued presence in Northwest Montana. RFQ/RFPs will be made available on the plans exchange at Kalispell Copy Center. Completed RFQ/RFPs must be received in the Evergreen School District Administration Office, 18 West Evergreen Drive, Kalispell Montana 59901, by 3:00 PM MDST, February 16, 2022. For information or questions contact Steve Windbigler - District Mainte nance Director 406-250-9773, February 2, 9, 2022 MNAXLP __________________________