Letters to the editor Feb. 13
Can Kalispell do better?
I just attempted to take paper and cardboard to the recycling bins behind Albertson’s in Kalispell. It is always dirty. I do not feel safe there due to transients camping behind the bins. It is extremely icy, and there was muddy water up to my ankles.
I asked another person who was there to please wait for me to put my recycling in the bins because I did not feel safe. They kindly did so, but I was unable to reach the tiny slots for paper that are up too high, even though I am not a short person, so I had to bring the rest of my recycling back home and throw it away.
In addition to not being able to recycle glass, aluminum, or plastic, I find this to be a very disappointing and dismal situation. These bins are not free. Our tax dollars pay for them. Can Kalispell do better than this? I hope so, for the sake of our environment.
—Marilyn Driscoll, Kalispell
Additional information needed
The recent article “US approaches 900,000 Covid deaths” deserves clarification. Although that is an astounding number, and the Covid death count has been devastating, there is often, with Covid, a few facts missing that could lend greater clarity.
Two such facts are found on the cdc.gov website under comorbidities and other conditions that is complete with data on individual states, age ranges, and other listed deaths. As stated from the CDC website. “For over 5% of these deaths, Covid-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to Covid-19, on average, there were four additional conditions or causes per death.”
Using the CDC’s stats mentioned, if we take the 900,000-death count in the U.S., figuring that approximately 5% died of Covid-19 only, our number is now 45,000. If we look at the death count in Flathead Valley of 235, the 5% Covid-only death count is approximately 12. None of this is good news, but as we weigh the risk of Covid to other health and safety risks such as vehicle death, heart attacks, cancer, diabetes, Influenza, etc., we begin to see a clearer picture.
Why this information is not readily reported is disappointing as well as many other facts regarding Covid-19. Overall, the media has done a poor job of bringing clarity to the Covid-19 situation. This example represents one of many. The number may be correct, but knowing additional facts, provides understanding.
—Teresa Farr, Columbia Falls
Time to replace Holmquist
The purpose of this letter is to publicly call Pam Holmquist to drop out of the upcoming race for Flathead County Commissioner. In her previous time spent in office she has failed to uphold her oath to the Constitution and has done her best to trample on our liberties.
On March, 19, 2020 she voted to mandate closing restaurants to indoor seating which set a precedent leading to the crippling or closing of countless small local businesses, and subsequent economic hardships for many. For months, Pam gave tacit approval of mandating masking of children while at school, effectively ignoring the laundry list of negative mental health side effects this fear mongering behavior leaves on our beloved children.
Pam is also giving ongoing implied approval of administering the experimental Covid inoculations to our innocent children with complete disregard to the health risks.
At the health board meeting on Jan. 18, 2022, I believe Pam lied, denying she voted for mandates, and made a false statement claiming the board has supported liberty during the Covid rollout.
Furthermore, Pam was observed abusing the power of her office when she attempted to shut down citizen comments at the county commissioner’s meeting on Jan. 25, 2022. This display of behavior fell nothing short of a tyrant’s desperate attempt to silence the voice of the people.
I thank everyone who took the time to read this to learn the truth about Pam. The time for her to leave office is now.
— Bret and Lauren Bailey, Lakeside