Monday, March 10, 2025

Letters to the editor Feb. 24

| February 24, 2022 12:00 AM

It’s the money

“Never did such evil institution as money spring up to mortals; it seduces and corrupts the honest mind, turning its virtuous thoughts to deeds of baseness; it has taught men villainy and how to perform all impious works.” - Sophocles (d. 406 BC) - ancient Greek writer of tragedies.

The U.S. Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission in January 2010 struck down restrictions on independent expenditures from corporate treasuries as violations of the First Amendment (money is speech from prior SCOTUS rulings). As I’ve heard some political commentators say “we have a system of legalized bribery in American politics.”

There can be no doubt of this truth.

Anyone who follows the downward trajectory of today’s American politics can’t escape the fact that money in politics is the root of problems of our sad dysfunctionality, blatant corruption among so many regardless of political party, news media with its purposeful ineptitude and increasing “autocratic nation-like propaganda” growing. The Koch Brother influence is astounding, with their political organizations; think tanks, etc., having equity in resources to the Republican National Committee. But there are a few wealthy donors for the Democratic Party as well, and the point is lost on blaming one side or the other, in that the root of the problem is the money involved, not the particular grouping of Americans involved.

Do we have any choice from eventual total national ruin of America other than reform of laws allowing floods of money to state its “lawful poison,” speaking for all 329.5 million of us, that which is not in our own best interest?

— Erwin Curry, Missoula

Montana’s elections are fair

Thank you. Two little words that convey so much.

We want to say thank you to each and every one of the 56 Montana county clerk and recorders and their dedicated staff. These Montana civil servants do their work with honesty and integrity.

We have voted here in Flathead County for every local, state, and federal election for nearly 50 years. It is every American citizen’s right and responsibility to vote. We have never doubted that every Montana election has been and is honest and true. Every election has been fair and accurate.

So I say again, thank you to each and every one of the 56 county clerk and recorders. We know our elections are safe with you.

However, we believe that there are dishonest elements in Montana that are trying to plant the seeds of doubt as to the fairness and honesty of Montana’s elections. We say to all Montanans who live lives of honesty and integrity: Gather reliable information, and push back against these nefarious elements. Stand up against their misinformation and lies.

Montana’s elections are fair, honest, accurate and above board. Tell all 56 county clerk and recorders (and staff) thank you.

— Christina Granrud, Loraine Measure, Elizabeth Mollica, Jill Mueth, Kim Pinter, Lana Shura and Mary Wellemeyer

Supreme Court

If you ever have doubted the integrity of our current president, surely you doubt no more. What could be more racist, predjudist, arrogant, and unlawful than the President declaring that obly black females will be considered for the Supreme Court?

If such a person is the best qualified – great! But surely there are people of other genders and races who should be considered as well.

— Gerry Hurst, Marion

House candidates

So here we go with the two likely Republican candidates Zinke and Rosendale.

Let’s start with Mr. Zinke, the disgraced former head of the Department of interior under President Trump. Please do recall that he stepped away from that position before the end of his term because of strong scandal headwinds and the likelihood that he would have been indicted for abuse of office. He will have strong oil and gas support because of this attempted rape of public lands on their behalf, so expect a big money intake there. I suppose if you want to further foul Congress and increase the endemic level of corruption in Washington, he’s your man,

In the eastern district, we have the ultimate Trump ring kisser in Matt Rosendale. Aside from his statewide schmoozing tours, he’s quite content to be a member of the “no” party. And don’t forget, that among his many contentious negative votes in Congress was the vote against the native Afghan war interpreters’ rescue and sponsorship for U.S. citizenship. As I recall, he was one of very few from his own party to vote against these war heroes, with complete disregard to their very thorough vetting by the U.S. government. And then there’s his ongoing legal battle with the dark money charges. Oh wait, this just in: On Feb. 8 he introduced legislation that would block security and military assistance to Ukraine until the U.S. southern border is secured. Does anyone really think that he thought of this all by himself? Nah, it has Trumps’ and by extension, Putin’s fingerprints all over it.

I think we can do better than these two bumblers. Just sayin’.

— Chuck Mollica, Bigfork