Stunning revelations
The new book, “The Real Anthony Fauci” by the Democrat icon, Robert F. Kennedy (son of Bobby Kennedy), is a must read for those who appreciate facts and verifiable scientific evidence that’s based on thorough research and backed up by numerous footnotes.
Here are just a few of his stunning revelations:
Ordinary masking (less the N95’s) not only “doesn’t reduce viral infections rates,” it contributes to other diseases (52 studies); lockdowns did much more harm than good; PCR tests are “incapable of distinguishing Covid from other viral illnesses”; hospitals are paid to over-report Covid cases, $39,000 for ICU and $13,000 for ordinary cases; hospitalization from Covid infection is less than 1%; natural immunity is far superior to vaccine induced immunity; the nursing home protocol used at the beginning of Covid has been almost criminal in its effects; and young people under 20 are virtually immune from dying from it.
On top of that, Hydroxychloroquine (200 studies) and Ivermectin (60 studies), if given early and in combination with vitamins, particularly Zinc, are very effective in limiting the more egregious effects and hospitalizations due to Covid. In fact, Molnupiravir, the new pill for Covid is a “copycat formula, utilizing an identical mechanism of action as “Ivermectin” but of course it is immensely profitable.
Worst of all, is the notion that the jab is safe. Drug companies wouldn’t produce these shots if they weren’t granted total immunity from lawsuits and studies of long-term effects (stretching into years) were dismissed effectively making us, the general public, the experimental “rats.”
Fauci’s refusal to fix VAERS (the vaccine injury surveillance system) means we may be discovering only one out of hundred vaccine injuries. The result? We don’t know how many problems and deaths the jab itself is creating.
Fauci and the pharmaceutical companies apparently have worked hand in hand to protect and enhance the immense profits for these businesses (and himself and his co-partner Bill Gates) by routinely promoting the shots while actively suppressing studies and treatments from all over the world which have proven effective at keeping patients out of hospitals. On top of that, he has also supported putting away all detailed information about the manufacture of these new drugs for 50 years.
People who have misgivings and/or outright distrust of this new experimental technology are vindicated by the facts and scientific evidence contained in this book.
Finally, it is readily apparent Fauci has mismanaged Covid from the beginning and he should be relieved from duty while investigations into his compromised dealings with the drug companies are investigated.
As far as the jabs are concerned? Time will tell. The evidence from the “rats” has just started to come in.
— Mark Agather, Kalispell