Friday, December 13, 2024

U.S. should unite in response to historical enemies

by Tom Muri
| March 8, 2022 12:00 AM

President Biden is no John F. Kennedy; former President Trump is no Ronald Reagan. The United States and the world are the losers in the absence of leadership shown by Kennedy and Reagan — and Mitt Romney.

The U.S. and the world lost out when we ignored presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who warned us that Russia “is without question, our number one geopolitical foe,” in 2012. “They fight every cause for the world’s worst actors. The idea that [President Barack Obama] has some more flexibility in mind for Russia is very, very troubling, indeed.”

Both President Obama and Trump were horribly wrong concerning Putin. We are going to suffer economically and possibly physically, as the world tilts toward a full blown war in Europe.

While President George W. Bush was fixated on Iraq, Iran and North Korea as an “axis of evil,” Russia and China were flying freely under his administration radar. While America exhausted its military for two decades under Presidents Bush, Obama and Trump, Russia and China maintained and built up their military and economy.

America’s leadership was united under eight presidents in opposing both Russia (Soviet Union) and China in the 20th century. The policy of containment was articulated by diplomat George F. Kennan during the post-WWII term of Harry S. Truman. This policy was subsequently adhered to by every president, Republican and Democrat, until the Soviet Union’s collapse in 1991.

It is noted that Communist China, North Korea and Cuba never were defeated or broken up.

While the Soviet Union was broken up, the heart of communist Russia remains intact. Under Putin’s leadership and advocacy for the last two decades, he is resurrecting the old Soviet Union. Additionally, he is driving a wedge between Americans.

President Kennedy’s nerves of steel during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 and President Reagan’s clear-eyed understanding of “the evil empire” were clarion. When one contrasts such with President Trump and Biden, it is clear that leadership is lacking.

Perhaps President Biden will develop both a backbone and knowledge to counter Russia, China, Cuba and North Korea. Until then, Americans are adrift and split.

Instead of being united in response to our historical adversaries and yes, evil enemies, we are divided. Former President Trump is more enamored and supportive of President Putin than he is of President Biden.

One bright area is the majority of Republican and Democrat congressional leaders are united in opposing the true Axis of Evil — Russia, China, Cuba and North Korea. They are showing much needed leadership during a trying and difficult period for Europe and the world.

As Americans, it is time to revisit what we did to counter the world’s drift toward authoritarian and communism the last half of the 20th Century. Both our military and diplomatic corps need an infusion of people and funding.

Both President Kennedy and Reagan rebuilt the military, with an emphasis on the Navy and its ability to project military might. Both presidents were aware of military quagmires and did an admirable job of avoiding such while still projecting America’s military advantage.

As Americans we need to maintain our distrust of our historical enemies and be more supportive of our fellow Americans. The future of our country and the world is in the balance.

Tom Muri is a retired military Judge Advocate General Corps who writes from Whitefish, Arizona and Hawaii.