Documentary directed by Blackfeet/Salish tribe member
A new documentary from a resident of the Flathead Reservation that profiles a Missoula woman’s quest to reconnect with her birth mother and her Native culture is coming to the series “America ReFramed” on WORLD Channel this month.
“Daughter of a Lost Bird” is directed by Brooke Pepion Swaney (Blackfeet and Salish). In the film, audiences follow Kendra, a Native American adoptee and resident of Missoula who grew up assimilating in a white family, as she embarks on a journey to discover more about her Lummi Nation heritage and to find her mother — who was herself separated from her Native American heritage as a result of adoption. The film depicts the often deadly toll the U.S. government's forced adoption program had on those who endured it. Watch a trailer at
“Daughter of a Lost Bird” premiers on WORLD Channel and starting today, May 5, at 8 p.m. ET.
Pepion Swaney is the writer, producer, director and educator who was a PBS Wyncote Fellow and a Sundance Native Lab/Time Warner Fellow.